Processing the discovery of the phase of Tanajoz (realization) of the Shari'i ruling

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer and researcher of Khorasan Seminary and PhD student of Criminal Jurisprudence at Razavi University of Islamic Sciences

2 Lecturer and researcher of Khorasan Seminary


The effort of the jurists is aimed at deriving the Shari'i ruling and explaining the ruling in all areas and different aspects, including its types, Ijza and its phases. They discuss the process of deriving a jurisprudential ruling from the phases of issue and creation of the ruling, its actuality  and Tanajjoz. In the meantime, the study of the phase of Tanajjoz is very important, although this phase has not been discussed in the science of principles under the independent title, but it has been the focus of several important discussions of principles, including the practical principles, Ijza, and Musghatat (abrogating elements) of rulings. In this article, based on the descriptive and analytical method, various issues related to the position of the Tanajjoz have been clarified.


Main Subjects

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