Jurisprudence and legal status of transactions in mania

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student of Fiqh and Fundamentals of Islamic Law of Mazandaran University

2 Professor at Mazandaran University

3 Assistant Professor of Mazandaran University


Every legal act requires distinction and will, and someone can have the will to perform legal acts that can distinguish different things from each other. Today, many mental disorders are spreading, which have a direct effect on people's will and discernment and affect their social and economic activities.
The basic question raised in this article is, what is the state of growth and, accordingly, the state of transactions of mania? Are the deals of these people "Safhi" (naïve) or not?
The result of this research, using a descriptive-analytical method and library tools, is that mania in crucial degrees (mania) creates a disorder and the affected person loses his power of recognition and distinguishing in the state of mania and turns to harmful transactions or irrational indulgences. ; Therefore, according to experts' verification of the lack of growth of those affected in the state of mania, the transactions of this category of people in this state are invalid, and if this disease exists before the time of puberty and continues after that, the permission of the guardian is necessary, and if it happens after the time of maturity, it is necessary to determine and appoint a guardian by the court to protect his rights.


Main Subjects

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