An Analytical Introduction to Imam Khomeini’s Legal Addresses Theory and its Implications in the Acts of Worship Jurisprudence

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor, University

2 Garduate of Islamic Jurisprudence and Principles of Islamic Law, University of Qom


Legal addresses is one of the important and influential theories proposed and developed by Imam Khomeini. He has expressed this theory about the way religious precepts are legislated and believes that the general addresses of Sharia have been issued in the position of legislating and different states occurred to duty-bounds such as power and knowledge, have not been considered as provisos in them; instead, the precept has been issued as to the general titles considered in the address. This theory has several implications in different chapters of jurisprudence. The present research has been performed with the aim of analytical examination of this theory and its implications in the field of the acts of worship jurisprudence and using the ijtihadi analysis method by referring to library sources. The result of this research is to prove the superiority of this theory over the famous theory of dissolution and to present the different implications of this theory in the field of the acts of worship jurisprudence.             


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