Description and Critique of Article 373 of the Islamic Penal Code 2013 in Mathematical Language

Document Type : Research Article


Professor, University of Sistan and Baluchestan


Description and fixing the defects of some laws which have computational aspects by new mathematical literature, is an essential of the information technology age and such studies are unavoidable for programming in order to realize the electronic judiciary. The author's claim about article 393 of the Islamic Penal Code with difference of blood money topic is that this article does not cover certain instances of the related crime. Therefore, in addition to recommendation of a new version of the above said article, for the first time a mathematical formula has been devised to make it operational. With this approach, the author, while introducing the above said article, has explained the cases of deficiencies and their frequency. Finally, the article has been amended so that it encompasses all probable instances related to the sexes of those participating in the murder and the way the difference of blood money is calculated are covered. The result of this study in the section of offering a mathematical formula to calculate the difference of blood money of those participating in the murder, with simple to complex frequencies, is as follows


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