The Effects of Discourse Difference on Usuli Inferences

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Shiite Studies, University of Religions and Denominations, Member of the Research Department of Islam and Religions, Imam Reza Research Institute

2 Graduate of the Third Level of Qom Seminary


One of the epistemological problems with which the classical and contemporary Usuli researches are struggling and occasionally results in disagreement and as a result, defeat of some Usuli discussions is the lack of commitment by Usulis to a single discourse and confusion of discourses in Usuli analyses. Reflecting on the precious heritage of Shiite Usulis leads to the identification of a total of seven discourse themes which, from a logical and to some extent historical order are: the discourse based on the interpretation of the legislative will as creative will, the discourse of the general custom, the discourse based on the relations between servant and master, the discourse based on subtle literal significations, the theological discourse, the philosophical discourse and finally the legal discourse. In this article, after a general explanation of each discourse theme and citing instances of Usulis' opinions, the effect of discourse difference on Usuli inferences has been shown in the issue of combination of positive and negative orders. Subsequently, in order to answer the question which discourse among the seven discourses deserves to become dominant in the analysis of Usuli issues, by offering certain arguments, the legal discourse has been introduced to qualify in this regard.


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