Further Research on the Validity of Absolute Conjecture

Document Type : Research Article



The issue of validity and non-validity of absolute conjecture, although frequently studied and researched by great scholars, is still in need of further research, since the studies and researches carried out so far are typically based on the presuppositions that have been regarded as indisputable and needless of study and research; whereas, in fact, they are not indisputable and need further research.The principle of non-validity of conjecture and exclusiveness of essential authority to absoluteness is one of these presuppositions that the writer has dared to re-examine. After redefining such concepts as “ḥujjiyya” and “‘ilm” and resolving the impediments to asserting the validity of absolute conjecture, he has found the chance to believe in the inherent validity of conjecture and, while examining the arguments of the repudiators, to uncover the fact that the verses, traditions, and intellectual exigencies, contrary to what is presumed, do not disprove the validity of rational conjecture, and naturally regard it as valid.Thus, the writer opens up a third way through the non-validity of the absolute conjecture and its validity due to impediment (insidād) and admits that in case of the incompleteness of this way, the non-validity of absolute conjecture is to be accepted, because the reason for impediment is incomplete. However, it is to be said that the writer’s ultimate goal in writing this article is not necessarily proving the validity of absolute conjecture; rather, it is to open up a way to deeper research on this issue. .
