The principles of jurisprudence, Vazgeraee(concerning coining a new word) and its philosophical challenges

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor of Jamiat Al-Mustafa


Vazgeraee is a theory of meaning that was formed in the context of jurisprudence principles and comments on the process of encoding meaning for words, the nature of meaning, the existential structure of meaning, the relationship between words and meaning, and the process of decoding. In Vazgeraee, with an atomic view of meaning, the content of sentences is determined according to the meaning of constituent words and how they are arranged in the sentence. Each word indicates one or more fixed and determined meanings, that is, mental images, and this indication is also a valid process that takes place through indexing.
In this article, after explaining the history of the formation of this theory, with a descriptive and analytical method, while explaining the mentioned components, the problems related to them are explained. According to the researches, this theory faces criticisms such as commitment to linguistic idealism, humanism of the word-coining process, reduction of meaning to the conceptual field, representationalism and wordism. Also, this theory defends a kind of text-oriented approach in the field of interpretation, which is not compatible with the mission of discovering the divine meaning. By examining and criticizing this theory, the author defends contextualism.


Main Subjects

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