The Role of Verity Proposition in Principles of Jurisprudence

Document Type : Research Article


Hawza Ilmiya of Qum


The dynamism of the verity proposition has led to its being used in various issues and sciences as the founder for the general and constant principles. The principles of jurisprudence, as a science that is the founder for general rules to arrive at legal rulings, utilizes this proposition in many subdivisions of uṣūl (principles) as well as in resolving problems. In fact, if we do not take the verity proposition into consideration, reaching many of the significant principles of this science, such as proving the rulings, doubt in obligation and the object of obligation, the role of the proposition in distinguishing the generic from the absolute, and many other problems would naturally be impossible. Thus, by bringing the applied issues into this proposition, the role of this proposition in principle of jurisprudence is addressed in the form of a report on the reasons and ways of using the verity proposition from among the viewpoints of scholars of uṣūl.


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