The Concept, Validity, and Mechanism of Refinement of the Basis of the Ruling

Document Type : Research Article



Refinement of the basis of the ruling (tanqīḥ al-manāṭ) is among the important approaches in the process of legal reasoning and inference of legal rulings. By applying this procedure, one can achieve the ruling criterion and be assured about it, and thus, contrary to the analogy in deductive form (mustanbit al-‘illa), it is accepted by the Shī‘a jurists.
Those who have sufficient experience in inference of legal rulings and enjoy mastery of legal reasoning can undertake this task by annulment of specification using the method of probing and division.
Keywords: definitive deduction, analogy in deductive form, manṣūṣ al-‘illa (an analogy that refers to a single text which provides not only the ruling, but the reason for that ruling), annulment of specification.