Takhrige (Extracting) of the narrations of the story of Samra bin Jundab in order to deduce the rule of harmlessness

Document Type : Original Article


1 Third level jurisprudence scholar of Qom seminary

2 Foreign professor of jurisprudence and principles of the seminary of Qom


The story of Samra bin Jundb is one of the most famous documents of the rule of "la Zarar" in Shia traditions. In the text of the four narrations, there are differences regarding the sentence "La Zarar Va La Zerar" and the provision of "Ali Momin" and the Takhrige of them is of particular importance for deriving the rule of "La zarar". Although, according to the opinion of famous jurists, none of the narrations of the story of Samra is authentic, in this article, the authenticity of the issue of the narrations, proof and then a correct Thakhrige of it are presented.
The result of the research is that  there is surely the sentence "La Zara Va La Zerar" in   the text of the hadith, but the presence or absence of the provision of "Ali Mu'min" is effective in interpreting the narrations of Samra's story; So that the presence of the provision of "Ali Mu'min" is compatible with the prohibition of harming others and gives a criminal aspect to the rule "La Zarar" and the absence of "Ali Mu'min" is compatible to the negation of making the law of harm and gives it a civil and legal aspect. According to the selected point of view, the said conflict is primitive and has a customary Jam~; But assuming that the conflict is established, prioritizing  the side of excess is not acceptable due to the principle of non-excess, and the preferences of the side of littleness must be considered.


Main Subjects

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