Rashīd al-Dīn Faḍl Allāh and the Idea of Prosperity in the Ilkhanid Kingdom

Document Type : Research Article


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Rashīd al-Dīn Faḍl Allāh Hamadānī (645-718/1247-1318) was among the intellectual viziers of Iran in the Islamic era. He was able to implement socio-economic reformations in the reign of Ghazan Khan and Uljaitu and opened a bright chapter in the Post-Mongol Invasion Iran by virtue of his lofty ideas and far-sightedness along with his widespread appreciation of scientific and practical experiences of the politicians of Islamic and pre-Islamic era. Historians, both present and past, have compared him to great pre-Islamic politicians of Persia such as Achaemenid Darius, Sasanid Anushirvan, and Buzurgmehr b. Bakhtigan, for his special attention to prosperity and development. Contrary to other Iranian viziers of Islamic era – such as Bal‘amīs, Jayhānīs, Ṣāḥib b.‘Ibād, Khawja Niẓām al-Mulk, etc. – Rashīd al-Dīn Faḍl Allāh had the advantage of competency in executive management in addition to his enjoyment of scientific excellence. Being aware of the destructions and massacres resulted from the Mongol invasion and its aftermaths, he endeavored like an adept psychologist to implement his reformist plans in various parts of the society without being entrapped in religious and ethnic fanaticism (Qāshānī, 95). He managed to inspire new hope in life into the Iranian society by providing appropriate projects for improving cities and villages, prospering agriculture, and developing roads. In this paper, Rashīd al-Dīn’s initiative is studied and analyzed as an underlying idea and macro-developmental planning reflected in his letters.


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