A Comparative Approach to Educational Significations in Theories of Democracy: Challenge among Liberal, Communitarian, and Deliberative Theories

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Tarbiyat Modarres University


Today democracy and its establishment have achieved universal acceptance, passed beyond scientific and theoretical borders, and entered various international treaties. Despite popular reception of democracy, the philosophical foundation of democratic education is not yet accurately elucidated. Accordingly, this article aims at explicating the philosophical foundations of democratic education. To this end, according to the Skew Model, first liberal democracy, communitarian, and deliberative theories are examined and then from within foundations of humanism and the key concepts and pivots of each of the above theories and – through logical reasoning – their educational significations (principles, goals, and methods) are extracted. In the end, the researchers deal with a comparative examination of the foundations of humanism and the educational significations of democracy schools in question, explicitly admitting that this task has been done by them for the first time and thus they would welcome critical views of the readers.