A Critical Evaluation of the Validity of The Narrator of the Book of Solaim

Document Type : Research Article


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


To critically survey a book, the critic has two options: to do an internal survey of the book, and to do an external survey of the book by a study of the thoughts of the writer or his narrators. In the study of book such as that of Solain bin Ghays, which is narrated by a single narrator, the second option seems to be more efficient. Based on this belief, the writer has presented a critical analysis of the life of Ibban bin Abi Ayyash, and whether the phrase “a reliable narrator” is valid or not. The writer has shown that Ibban bin Abi Ayyash, is the only link to the book of Solaim bin Ghays, and drawing on the science of the traditionalists, has come to the conclusion that the narrator is not to be trusted.