The Status and Manifestation of the Qur'an and Ḥadīth in Persian Mystical Prose Texts (Up to the Sixth/Thirteenth Century)

Document Type : Research Article


University of Kashan


persian language and literature has over time been so blessedly associated with Qur'anic and ḥadīth culture that there remains no choice for the researchers who delve into the Persian literature today but to acquire knowledge of the Qur'anic and ḥadīth doctrines. Fortunately, in recent years valuable works have been published concerning the Qur'anic and ḥadīth manifestations in the Persian poetry. However, in relation to the impressionability of Persian prose, particularly the Persian mystical prose, from the Qur'an and ḥadīth there are still many points left unsaid. In the present paper, the writer is attempting to review the unparalleled role of the Persian mystical prose texts in the trend of the association between Persian literature and the Qur'an and ḥadīth up to the sixth/thirteenth century and to analyze the impact of the Qur'anic and ḥadīth doctrines on the mystics' mind, language, and lifestyle. Furthermore, with reference to the frequently used Qur'anic verses and aḥādīth in the mystics' prose works, he is trying to elucidate the styles and procedures that they have employed in their approach to the Qur'anic verses and aḥādīth.