Analyzing the Solution of “Dāʿī bar Dāʿī” in Correcting Hire Contracts for Obligations, Using the Opinions of Imām khomeinī

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Candidate, Department of Jurisprudence and Foundations of Islamic Law, Islamic Azad University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Foundations of Islamic Law, Islamic Azad University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


 Religious obligations are divided into two categories based on intention. These include ʿibādī (worship-based) and tawaṣṣulī (non-worship-based) categories, and the distinction lies in the intention of Qurbat (closeness to God) (Qaṣd-i Qurbat). Jurisconsults consider charging for performing obligatory tasks as forbidden (ḥarām), due to their incompatibility with the intention of Qurbat. The present research seeks to resolve this incompatibility. From the viewpoint of prominent scholars such as Ayatollah Khūʾī and Imam Khomeini, one way of resolving incompatibility is to refer to the concept of “Dāʿī bar Dāʿī” (motive upon motive). This means that the hired individual performs the nature of obligatory task with the intention of Qurbat, while also generalizing it to earn a fee.  This study analyzes the concept of “Dāʿī bar Dāʿī” using the descriptive-analytical method and highlighting the opinions of Imam Khomeini in this regard.  Although many support the concept of “Dāʿī bar Dāʿī” and resolve the conflict between intention of Qurbat and intention of earning a fee (ujrat) using this concept, and although Imam Khomeini has been its most ardent advocate and has made significant efforts to resolve doubts and problems regarding the concept, it seems that the solution remains incomplete and impractical. This is because the evidence that requires worship to be done based on pure and sincere motives negates any secondary non-divine motives for worship as well, on the basis of customary practice.


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