The Precept of Spread of the Forgiven Crime

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Semnan University

2 Graduate of Islamic Jurisprudence and Principles of Islamic Law, Semnan University

3 Lecturer, Department of Law, Seraj Higher Education Institute of Tabriz


The retaliation punishment is among individual rights which may be waived by the right holder
(the victim). The essential question is that what effect does forgiving of the original crime by the
victim have on the criminal’s criminal responsibility for subsequent spread of the crime to the
soul or other organ? According to the view attributed to the famous jurists, in case of spread to
an organ, the criminal is sentenced to pay its blood money and in case of spread to the soul, he
is sentenced to retaliation and in both cases, the blood money of the forgiven crime should be
returned to the criminal. The only difference between the second view and the first opinion is
the non-necessity of returning the blood money of the forgiven crime in case of spread to the
soul. Under the third view, forgiving the crime is equal to forgiving the spread and the criminal
is not responsible for subsequent spread. According to the selected view, if spread is intended
by the criminal or the instrument of crime typically causes the spread, the criminal is sentenced
to retaliation for spread; otherwise, in case of spread to the soul, returning the blood money of
the forgiven crime is not necessary either. The present paper, in addition to analyzing the jurisprudential
bases of the issue, reasoned and innovative criticism of opinions and answering the
raised problems, proposes the modification of legal provisions based on the latter view with the
raised considerations about it.


قرآن کریم
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