Interpretation of the Qur’an, As viewed by Nasser Khosrow

Document Type : Research Article




In this article, the writer classifies and explains the various ideas Nasser Khosrow has expressed in his works, particularly in his poems, about the Qur’an, its interpretation and its revelation. The writer first expresses Nasser Khosrow’s various personal, ideological and psychological reasons for his special interest in the Qur’an and then he clarifies in detail Nasser Khosrow’s view of revelation and interpretation of the Qur’an. In this section he explains why Nasser Khosrow, an Ismaeeli scholar, places so much importance on interpretation and why he considers interpretation as superior to revelation. The last section deals with the question of who is qualified to interpret the Qur’an. According to Nasser Khosrow, it is only Ali (peace be upon him) and the Prophet’s household and the Ismaeeli scholars and Imams who are qualified to interpret the Qur’an. Other people can only learn the hidden meanings of the Qur’an from them.