Temporal Origin and Eternity of Soul in the Quran and Tradition

Document Type : Research Article


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Man has long been in search of finding answers to questions pertaining to the origin of his own life. Philosophers, mystics, interpreters and traditionists have, one way or another, dealt with issues such as: What is the nature and/or origin of human soul? Is soul prior to the body? If it is, what is the nature of the priority? What guidance do religious texts offer in this regard? How much of the guidance is based on rational arguments?
In this article, the writer mentions the verses and traditions usually quoted in support of priority of soul to body. He argues that the texts quoted cannot justify the priority as much as literalists think the texts can. He maintains that although it is undeniable that human soul is anterior to body, it does not implicate that there exists an identifiable entity superior to the body.