The Bases of Verbal Manifestation of the Phrase “lā yaʾbā al-shuhadāʾ izā mā duʿū” in the Noble Āyah of Dayn (Debt)

Document Type : Original Article


1 .PhD Candidate, Jurisprudence and Foundations of Islamic Law, Faculty of Theology, Islamic Knowledge, and Guidance, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Jami’al Mustafa al Alamiya, Qom, Iran


The verbal manifestation of the phrase “lā yaʾbā al-shuhadāʾ izā mā duʿū” in the Āyah of Dayn (Debt) has been discussed by jurisconsults and commentators regarding both the ruling and the restriction of the ruling. Regarding the nature of the ruling, some consider it to be Mawlavī (authoritative), while others consider it as Irshādī (guiding). Regarding its subject, some consider it as referring to the act of giving testimony, while others take it as referring to bearing witness. There is yet another group of scholars who take it as referring to both issues. These differences of opinion exist despite each opinion being specifically based on the interpretation of the aforementioned phrase, which raises the question of what is the source of divergence. Clarifying how these opinions relate to the disputed phrase is necessary, because it will resolve ambiguities in the interpretations of the Āyah and leads to accurate understanding. In doing so, the present research analyses and clarifies the sources of interpretation for each of these opinions using the principles of Istizhār (interpretation) and the Ijtihādī (judicial reasoning) method. It is concluded that the disputed phrase appears to be Irshādī (regarding the type of ruling), and referring to bearing witness (regarding the subject of ruling).


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