Are the People of Paradise Mostly Idiots? A Research on the Tradition, “Majority of the People of

Document Type : Research Article


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The tradition, “Majority of the people of Paradise are idiots” is a well-known tradition which has always been the talk of Muslims, particularly the mystics and Sufis. In this article, first the course of transmission of this tradition is traced back and displayed in the farīqayn (the two major Muslim sects) sources through searching into the Shī‘ite and Sunnī sources. Then, with the use of rules and criteria of ḥadīth studies and by examining the extant evidences, the sanad and the transmitters of the above tradition are critically reviewed and concluded that none of the chains of transmission of this tradition have been flawless. Further on, with reference to the viewpoints of exponents and traditionists, the content of this tradition is critically analyzed and, supposing that it has been originated from the Prophet (S.A.W.)’s fountain of Divine knowledge, it is attempted to present the true meanings of this tradition. In this research, some remarks are also made concerning the viewpoints of the mystics, who have found this tradition in agreement with their intuitive findings.