Examining the Relation between Ladies' Covering and Family Consolidation in Religious Doctrines

Document Type : Research Article



Men and women keeping company and formation of a family take place with different motives, one of which is fulfillment of sexual needs; however, using the term sukūn (tranquility), the Holy Qur’ān while promoting the family status has considered a higher purpose for it. Although tranquility along with "friendship" and "compassion" brings about mental health for the family, the unbreakable bond between family and society prompts a direct relationship between the health level of one with the other. Thus, having regulated the men-women relationship outside the family ambience and necessitating decent covering for the women, the Qur’ān has tried through reducing the incidence of sexual
stimulations to minimize the mental distress of the members of society as well as the men and women to the lowest degree possible, preventing the instability of the family foundation. It is attempted, in this article, to prove the relation between the observance of dress code by women and the family consolidation.
Keyword: family, mental health, sexual stimulants, covering.