The Ruling for Disrespect to the Holy Mary in Christian Law

Document Type : Research Article



Disrespect towards holy characters of any of the Revealed religions by the followers of another religion would drive dialogue among religions to a standoff; but showing respect and reverence to them would pave the ground for developing relations, approximation among religions, and empathy toward knowing the Truth, and would yield positive and constructive outcomes. Knowledge about the Revealed religions' rulings for disrespect towards their holy characters would reduce confrontation and conflict between the advocates of religions and prevent them from profanity towards each other's holy figures. This jurisprudential research tries to find out the ruling for disrespect to the Holy Mary according to credible legal sources of Christianity. Thus, first the main sources approved by Christian nominations are identified and introduced; and then the merits and virtues of the Holy Mary are extracted from the Christian Scripture and tradition and the Pope's opinions; and finally, the ruling and punishment for disrespect to this unique female character of Christianity is inferred and introduced.
Keywords: Mary, religious law, Christianity, disrespect, holy beings.