A Critical Review of "An Exploration into the Evidences on Devotionality of Zakāt and Khums

Document Type : Research Article



Having regarded as discredited the jurists’ arguments, one of the researchers has disproved the devotionality of zakāt (legal alms) and khums (one fifth levy) so as to thereby remove one of the most critical barriers for implementation of these two practices. Although some evidences of the jurists in proving devotionality of zakāt and khums seem to be not creditable, there are other evidences – particularly from among the verses and traditions – that prove their devotionality. In this article, after making two introductory remarks, the writer presents and analyzes the evidences approving this claim, answers the questions in this respect, and then brings up other criticisms on the above-mentioned research.
Keywords: zakāt, khums, devotional acts, Islamic economy.