Jurisprudential challenges of the wife's responsibility towards the infant, based on medical data with emphasis on premature infants

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD graduated in Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law from Sistan and Baluchestan University, Faculty member of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences

2 Assistant Professor, Sistan and Baluchestan University

3 Associate Professor, Sistan and Baluchestan University


According to medical science data, "infants" have a special status in terms of breastfeeding and custody, which has made the role of mothers in their health irreplaceable. Mother's milk for premature infants is associated with the characteristics of urgency and necessity and exclusivity; Therefore, the confrontation of the mother's religious duties towards the baby and her religious responsibilities towards her husband is inevitable and is considered as a kind of jurisprudential challenge.
In this descriptive-analytical study, the obligation of breastfeeding with the first title and the  sufficient obligation of custody for the mother as well as the criteria of inconsistency show that although a general ruling is not possible and the case needs a case study, in most cases, the mother's duties to the baby Immature is legally preferable. Considering the exclusion of the subject from the inclusion of no harm and no wrong (la haraj) rules and the absence of explicit preference from the texts in this chapter, it is important to discover the verdict based on the preference of the chapter of conflict(tazahom) and the rules of important and more important(aham and mohem)


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