Examining the Effects of the Lessor of Persons’ (Mustaʾjir’s) Refusal of Accepting the Agent’s (Ajīr’s) Work from a Jurisprudential View

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law, University of Qom, Qom, Iran


Sometimes the Agent (ajīr) is willing to perform the contracted work at the appointed time, but the Lessor of Persons (mustaʾjir) refuses to accept the work. This is one of the subsets of the general matter of the creditor’s refusal to accept his debt. In this case, according to the general rule established in Article 273 of the Civil Code, the debt should be handed over to the court. However, employing this principle to an Agent (ajīr) who is ready to do the work and faces the Lessor of Persons (mustaʾjir)’s refusal presents many challenges. This is especially the case when tight deadlines are to be met and there is no time for filing a lawsuit and pursuing legal action. This issue has been brought up in jurisprudence and several opinions have been presented it its regard. The present research applies the analytical-descriptive method and library resources. The findings show that as long as the Agent (ajīr) makes himself available to do the work for the Lessor of Persons (mustaʾjir), he has fulfilled his contractual obligation. Therefore, the contract is considered complete, and the he is entitled to the agreed-upon wage (ujrat al-musammā).


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