A Glance at the Procedure for Preparation of Sanad in "Man lā Yaḥḍirahu al-Faqīh"

Document Type : Research Article


Tarbiat Modares University


shaykh al-Ṣadūq is one of the distinguished scholars of the fourth/eleventh century whose famous book, Man lā Yaḥḍirahu al-Faqīh, has always been favored by scholars and scientists to the extent that it has been regarded as one of the four Shī‘a books (Kutub al-Arba‘a) along with Shaykh al-Kulaynī's Al-Kāfī and Shaykh al-Ṭūsī's Al-Tahdhīb and Al-Iṣṭibṣār. The chain of transmission (sanad) of this ḥadīth collection, which has been compiled at the request of one of the learned experts on legal rulings, is often not mentioned and various modes of writing have been adopted in the way sanad is written. In the end of the book, Ibn Bābway (Shaykh al-Ṣadūq) has pointed out his own relation to the ḥadīth masters and scholars so as to compensate this shortcoming of the chain of transmission of his book.
The present paper is dedicated to the study of the procedure in which the chain of transmission of Man lā Yaḥḍirahu al-Faqīh is formulated. Here, the author has also pointed to Ibn Bābway's method for the compilation of the aḥādīth of this book and touched upon such issues as suspension of sanad, elaboration on the eliminated sanads and adoption of aḥādīth.