Investigating the influence of the psychological element in the contradiction of the inferential method of some recent jurists

Document Type : Original Article


1 Doctorate in Fiqh and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, University of Sistan and Baluchestan

2 Associate Professor of Sistan and Baluchestan University


From the point of view of Martyr Sadr, the distinctive feature of the new era of knowledge of principles - which Vahid Behbahani is the founder of - is the role of the personal state in the jurisprudence of the jurists of this era. He considers some jurists such as Sheikh Ansari to be influenced by this characteristic, which he believes, has led them to contradictions in their fundamental and jurisprudential views.
This essay, in a descriptive and analytical method, while explaining the view of martyr Sadr, collects documents through the words of jurists such as Sheikh Ansari. According to the findings, the statement of Martyr Sadr faces some problems; Including the fact that he did not make his intention clear about the psychological state; Therefore, the inclusion of this element is not known for institutions such as obligatory precaution. Another problem is that it seems that there is basically no contradiction and confusion in the jurisprudence of the mentioned jurists in this regard, and as a result, the distinction he mentioned between Mohaqeq Khoi and the jurists before him is meaningless.


Main Subjects

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