Dīyih (Atonement) and Arsh (Redress) of a Child's Broken Nose

Document Type : Original Article


1 Researcher of jurisprudence studies, Forensic Medicine Center and PhD student of jurisprudence and fundamentals of law at Qom University

2 Assistant Professor of Qom University


Fracture of the nasal bone is one of the most common cases of fracture stated in jurisprudence books. It seems that the nose is absolutely considered as a single bone in jurisprudence books and the cost of its fracture is determined according to this concept. This is despite the fact that the child's nasal bone is not completely connected and is considered as a group of multiple bones from the medical and customary point of view.
The present article employs a critical-analytical method to analyze whether it is considered one fracture or two fractures if a fracture similar to an adult's fracture happens to a child's nose and leads to the breaking of two bones close to each other. A lack of related tradition in the issue of nasal bone fracture has complicated the investigation of this issue
The research shows that among the evidences presented for the equality of nasal bone fractures in children and adults, there is enough evidence to prove equality. The most important reason that can be provided for the equality of the Dīyih is referring to the application of similar traditions in other bones of the child, which have a similar situation. The application of the words of the jurists in expressing the ruling on the issue of Dīyih for fracture also supports such a conclusion.


Main Subjects

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