Critical Analysis of the Theory of “Obligation and the Financial Rights of the Dhimmī” Regarding the Condition of the Financial Act

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Intellectual Property Law , Faculty of Law, University of Qom


There is a difference of opinion in response to the question of the essential effect of the condition of financial act and the guarantee of its enforcement in case of breach. Some of the prominent contemporary authors hold opposing views with well-known jurisconsults and the apparent content of the provisions regarding the Iranian Civil Code. They believe that the condition of a financial act leads to the establishment of ownership in favor of the conditional beneficiary in the possession of the conditional obligor upon its establishment, similar to the consequential condition. Therefore, breaching the condition is not possible in such conditions of financial act. This opinion is referred to as the theory of "Obligation and Financial Rights of the Dhimmī” regarding the condition of the financial act, and scholars such as ʿAllāmih Ḥillī and Muḥaqiq Ţabāṭabāʾī Yazdī are also attributed to being advocates of the theory. To prove the correctness of the theory, references have been made to the interpretation of the two parties’ intentions, customary practice (zuq-i ʿurfī), and religions reasons for commitment and obligation. After elucidating the theory and mentioning its eightfold shortcomings, the present study will demonstrate that attributing the theory to the two aforementioned jurisconsults is invalid.


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