Analyzing the role of the qadr moteyaqan (certain value) in its applicability and its discovery methods with an approach based on the views of Imam Khomeini and Martyr Sadr

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Theology Department, Farhangian Khorasan Razavi University

2 Assistant Professor of Theology Department of Yasouj University

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Yasouj University


According to the popular opinion, the effect of the prerequisites of hikmat (wisdom) in tamasok (seeking) is one of the wide-ranging fundamental issues after the era of Sultan Ulama. According to Akhund Khorasani's point of view, one of the prerequisites of the hikmat is to adhere to the etlagh (application), qadr moteyaghan and methods of discovering and understanding it. qadr moteyaghan is a person or a part of the motlagh (applied) that is definitely within the scope of the ruling. By dividing qadr moteyaghan into two types : qadr moteyaghan in the position of takhatob (communication) that is internal and external qadr moteyaghan, Akhund has considered qadr moteyaghan in the position of takhatob as an obstacle to application, but some usulists have not made a difference between the types of qadr moteyaghan in regard to application. After a detailed analysis of the types of qadr moteyaghan, this essay aims to answer this important question: What is the necessity of researching and applying the basic rules regarding the validity and authenticity of qadr moteyaghan, as well as its priority to adhere to its application, and how is this qadr moteyaghan discovered? In this research, by analytical and descriptive method, by examining different points of view and with special reliance on the opinions of Imam Khomeini and Martyr Sadr, the conclusion has been reached that, first of all, the implementation of the principles of hekmat is a consensus matter for the wise. Secondly, qadr moteyaghan does not prevent application to both of its types, and in fact, the primacy of qadr moteyaghan goes back to the fact that the speaker is in the position of communicating and qadr moteyaghan does not prevent application until it reaches the point of apparent enseraf (reffering to something), and as if in the statement of Akund Khorasani the meaning of the word on the bounded essence is confused with the description of a share that contains a certain attribute and the word that indicates the limitation of this attribute and its involvement in the subject of the ruling. Thirdly, knowing qadr moteyaghan is obtained in the customary way, with the help of the appropriateness of the ruling and the subject, and sometimes by using verbal clues.


Main Subjects

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