Reviewers Guide

Dear Reviewers,

 Please complete your personal information carefully, especially your organizational affiliation, ORCID ID, area of research interest(s), as well as your bank account information.

Ethical guidelines for reviewers

Manuscript acceptance: Reviewers should assist editor-in-chief and editorial board members in making decision about acceptance or rejection of manuscript and contribute to improvement of manuscripts by sending revisions to authors.

Right of refusal: Any reviewers who feels unqualified to review the assigned manuscript or unable to provide a prompt review should notify the editor-in-chief and withdraw from the review process.

Confidentiality: Information regarding manuscripts submitted by authors should be kept confidential and be treated as privileged information. Reviewers should not discuss about the manuscript with anyone except the editor-in-chief without the written permission of the author.

No biases: Reviewers should evaluate manuscripts impartially and fairly. Reviewers should give comments and make suggestions without any biases.

References: Reviewers should identify and check the references of the manuscript.  Any discussion or conclusion that is previously mentioned should be accompanied by the relevant citation. Reviewers should also inform the editor-in-chief if there is any similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any other published papers.

Conflict of Interest: Reviewers should not use information or ideas of the manuscripts that they are reviewing for personal interest. Reviewers should avoid to evaluate the manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest including financial, organizational, personal or any other connection with companies, institution, or individuals related to manuscripts.

Registration of the reviews in the Web of Science database

Due to the integration of Publons and Web of Science services, reviewers who wish to register their work on the Publons website can forward the “acknowledgment” email they receive from the journal after finishing the review process to this email address: