Impossibility of Episteme from the Viewpoint of Mirza Qomi and Gadamer (comparative study)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor, Imam Khomeini Education and Research Institute

2 Student of Islamic Jurisprudence and Principles of Islamic Law, Tehran University of Islamic Denominations

3 Student of Islamic Sciences Teaching, University of Islamic Sciences of Qom


The orientation of interpretive and linguistinc studies in the present age and especially after the linguistic turn, has differed in some resprects from the past tradition of linguistics in homogeneuos sciences such as Usul al-Fiqh and classical hermoneutics. In this article, with a comparative view, the issue of “impossibility of episteme” to the scared texts in philosophical hermeunetics science (from Gadamer's point of view) and Usul al-Fiqh science (from Mirza Qomi's point of view) with emphasis on the issue of obstruction of knowledge and episteme has been studied. In Usul al-Fiqh science, with the above said point of view, with emphasis on “certitue as to speeches of Quran for the case of presence in the revelation time”, “dissimilarity of Quran to human writings”, “non-obliging to burdensome duty”, “circle and arc of conjectures” and “distinctiveness of the meaning of the purpose not the appearances of the Book”, the pssibility of knowledge and understanding of Quran have been questioned; On the other hand, in the philosophical hermeunetics, by offering arguments such as “the interference of presuppositions”, “Dasein's time interval”, “author-orienting understanding”, “reconstruction of the hermeunetical past and experince”, “hermeneutic circle and fusion of horizons”, “the principle of absoluteness”, “inseperability of understanding and language” have refused the pssibility of episteme in another way. The present areticle, with a systematic view, has attempted to judge and evaluate the foundations and reasons of this denial in the three “semantical”, “intellectual-philosophical (ontological, epistemological, methodological)” and “historical and contextual” areas.


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