A Study of Synonymous Terms in Nahj al-Balāgha

Document Type : Research Article


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2 tarbiat moalem tehran


Synonymous terms are among terms which have taken up a large
bulk of the old and new Arabic and non-Arabic lexicons. Similarly, Arabic language is among the languages which due to their containing synonymous terms are distinguished from other languages, to the extent that the existence of such terms in Arabic is a characteristic feature of this language and inseparable from it.
Undoubtedly, identifying these terms and proving the existence of synonymy among them, or stating the differences between them, causes a better and more accurate understanding of the old texts and books in all languages, especially in Arabic.
The present paper is organized in three axes: the first examines viewpoints of the old and contemporary researchers and linguists concerning synonymy; the second is dedicated to studying the opinions of the commentators of Nahj al-Balāgha regarding proof or disproof of synonymy and, given the number of apparently synonymous terms in Nahj al-Balāgha and disagreement of the commentators in this regard, this issue is briefly examined; and finally some other of those terms are pointed out.