Jurisprudential and Legal Analysis of Ownership of Urban Solid Waste

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law, University of Qom, Qom, Iran


Any seemingly useless object that no longer meets its owner’s needs and is regarded as waste or garbage can, in fact, be regarded as a valuable commodity in today’s world; something often referred to as “dirty gold” or “black gold”. Some types of waste are transformed into valuable commodities after being recycled, some are used for incineration and production of energy in power plants, and organic waste may be utilized for producing fertilizers and compost. Usually, once the owner of the waste refuses it and places the waste beside or inside a trash bin, the responsible authorities (typically the municipality or its affiliated companies) collect the waste. Occasionally other individuals may remove certain items from the trash bins, which can lead to disputes and conflicts between these individuals and the owners of trash bins.  At a broader level, ownership issues arise after the waste is collected, accumulated, and recycled. However, the legal system of Iran lacks regulations addressing the ownership of waste. Given this legal gap and the absence of prior research on the matter, resolving disputes (at macro or micro levels) in this matter requires a comprehensive investigation.


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