Regulating the rule of abandoning istifsal and explaining some of its applications in the knowledge of the principles of jurisprudence

Document Type : Original Article



2 Associate Professor Razavi University of Islamic Sciences


Since a significant part of the hadiths are reported in the form of questions and answers of the narrator and Masoom (a.s.); Knowing the components in Masoom's answer will help the mujtahid to deduce the Shari'i ruling. One of the cases that can be used in this Sepehr is the rule called "Leaving Renunciation". This rule is related to the comprehensive understanding of verbal evidence. The present research is based on descriptive-analytical methods, in order to systematically explain the above-mentioned rule and standardize the terms of its effectiveness. In the last step, by explaining the applications of this rule in the knowledge of the principles of jurisprudence, by inserting appropriate hadith examples, he has addressed the practical aspect of the use of this rule. Some of the most important of these cases are: the ruling on obligation when there is general knowledge, the concept of doubt in companionship, the conflict between Companions, the understanding of healing news, the ruling on imitation of a person who has not actually reached ijtihad, the examination of the conditionality of the stability of religion in continuous imitation, and the ruling on public independence in the matter of judgment. .


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