The Possibility of Using the Principle of Inherency (Mulāzama) Between Rational Rule and Legal Rule to Assert the Maximum Inclusivity of Sharīʿa

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Candidate, Department of Fiqh and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Knowledge, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Fiqh and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Knowledge, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran



Modern social systems have brought about significant changes in the personal and social life of Muslims. The direct reflection of these changes on the “actions” of the man on one hand, and the mission of Islamic jurisprudence in clarifying the Islamic rulings of “actions” on the other hand, raises a question: What is the relationship between Islamic jurisprudence and these novel subjects? The question is whether Fiqh has provided Islamic rulings for all of these issues, or maybe some of them are not provided for by any Islamic ruling? The majority of Islamic, as well as Shīʿa jurists contend that no event is devoid of an Islamic ruling. Therefore, the maximum inclusivity of sharīʿa can be confirmed. The present study seeks to analyze the primary rationale behind this theory, according to which the principle of Inherency (Mulāzama) between rational rule and legal rule can verify the existence of a ruling for every single event. The study has been conducted using the descriptive-analytical method, and concludes that neither form of the principle of Inherency (Mulāzama) – whether between Islamic ruling and intrinsic benevolence or evil, or between Islamic ruling and real interests and harms – can verify the maximum inclusivity of sharīʿa.


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