The Basis and Realm of the Damage Surplus to Blood Money

Document Type : Research Article



After the victory of the Islamic Revolution and the attempts of the Islamic Republic’s officials to legalize the Islamic juridical institutions, some issues were set forth that were unprecedented in jurisprudence. To respond to these issues, the contemporary jurists made great efforts to present responses to the state’s legislators and judicial system. These responses have not been the same in all cases and are likely to be legally divided upon. Among the issues in question is what is known as “damage surplus to blood money (diya)”, which, although some discussions and religious inquiries (istiftā’s) have been made about them, some of their aspects are still ambiguous and remain to be explored into by researchers. The present paper addresses the basis and realm of damage surplus to the amount of blood money paid, in which, besides the judicial nature of blood money, different viewpoints concerning this issue are studied and various referents of damage surplus to blood money from the legal and judicial point of view are evaluated.
Keywords: blood money (diya), damage, damage surplus to blood money, civil responsibility.