Underlying of Hadith in the worke of shiah Scholars of Hadith

Document Type : Research Article


Tarbiat Modares


Hadithes have appeared foe different persons in different places and different times, and have narrated by different transmitters, so they had changed, because it is long times since they had transmitted and the transmitters and for reasons had devided hadithes, so some of documents which could determined the conditions of place and time has removed.
Knowledge is called Mokhtalef – ul – Hadith which is a part of Feq – ul – Hadith (Underlying of Hadith).
Concentration on innocents’ (P.b.u.th) spraches (hadith) showes that they tried on preservation of correct hadith and They teachiong to their companions, their ways of recognition of correct hadithes.
This paper with the reaserch on some of the Hadith and jurisprudence sorces wants to show that in spite of all scholars attempt to the meaning of hadith and the removing of diffrences, it is necessary to concentrate on text of hadith (Matn).