Keyword Index


  • Ability The Effect of Dangerous Contagious Diseases on the Ability and Acts and Rituals of Hajj [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 77-95]
  • Abi uncle A reflection on the inheritance of "Abuini" cousin in spite of "Abi" uncle from the Imamiyya point of view [Volume 53, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 28-11]
  • Absoluteness and Qualification A Reflection on the Existence of the Established Amount as Disruptive to Absoluteness while Being in the Position of Addressing (with Emphasis on Usuli Foundations of Mohaghegh Khansari) [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 39-25]
  • Absoluteness of contract Analysis of the Requirements of the Absoluteness of Contract Regarding the Performance Time from the Perspective of Imamia Jurisprudence, Iranian Law and Egyptian Law [Volume 51, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 159-179]
  • Absolute power “Perfect ability” the requirement of creation, actuality or non-contingency? [Volume 51, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 93-110]
  • Abuini cousin A reflection on the inheritance of "Abuini" cousin in spite of "Abi" uncle from the Imamiyya point of view [Volume 53, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 28-11]
  • Acceptance "Ihsani" assessment of the nature of legal actions by analyzing the concept of acceptance and consent [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 159-178]
  • Accessory Stipulation of Option in the Bail Contract (Kafala) from the Perspective of Comparative Jurisprudence [Volume 51, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 31-57]
  • Accessory to crimes Intensional-critical Analysis of the Place of Religion in Criminal Legislation and Proceedings from the Viewpoint of the Relation between Jurisprudence and Law [Volume 52, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 163-180]
  • Acquittal The Sharia Precept of Dangerous Sports and the Liability Arising from their Accidents in light of Islamic Society’s Needs [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 167-147]
  • Acts of Worship Jurisprudence An Analytical Introduction to Imam Khomeini’s Legal Addresses Theory and its Implications in the Acts of Worship Jurisprudence [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 105-119]
  • Actuality of Doubt and Ccertainty A Reflection on the Authority of Prospective Istishab [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 131-146]
  • Addresses An Analytical Introduction to Imam Khomeini’s Legal Addresses Theory and its Implications in the Acts of Worship Jurisprudence [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 105-119]
  • Advisory Command Identification the nature of Advisory and Prescriptive Commands Through Case Study [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 143-164]
  • Agency in Sacrificing Taqsir (cutting the hair and nails) and Performance of Hajj Rites by Female Pilgrims on the Night of Eid al-Adha (the Feast of Sacrifice) [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 85-71]
  • Agent (ajīr) Examining the Effects of the Lessor of Persons’ (Mustaʾjir’s) Refusal of Accepting the Agent’s (Ajīr’s) Work from a Jurisprudential View [Volume 56, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 33-55]
  • Aggravated Penalization Jurisprudential Challenges of Penalization the Repeated Crime in the Islamic Penal Code of 2014 [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 65-84]
  • Aggravation of Crime Jurisprudential Challenges of Penalization the Repeated Crime in the Islamic Penal Code of 2014 [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 65-84]
  • Agreement Investigating the relationship between the word "Tasalom" and similar concepts [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 137-158]
  • Ahsan Jurisprudential analysis of the verdict of adultery with a mahram from the perspective of three aspects: the concentration of punishment, the association of the title with the description of horses and adultery with an adult mahram [(Articles in Press)]
  • Akhbaris The origins of the school of akhbarigari [Volume 54, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 175-194]
  • Akhbārism Who are the Akhbāris? [Volume 48, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 25-63]
  • Akhbārīsm The Criteria for the Acceptance of Ḥadīths in Vaḥīd Bihbahānī’s Viewpoint [Volume 55, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 131-161]
  • Akhbāriyya The two Trends of Akhbāriyya and Salafiyya in [Volume 40, Issue 3, 2008]
  • Akhund Khorasani Interpreting the Qur'an and the Constitution: Similarities in Imami and American Jurisprudence [(Articles in Press)]
  • Allah's party Party and Partisanship in Islamic Thought [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009]
  • Allameh Hilli How Allameh Halli faced Khabar Vahed [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 167-190]
  • Allame Tabatabaei Studying the Conventional Nature of Usul al-Fiqh and Change of its Subject-Matter based on Allame Tabatabaei's Theory of Conventional Perceptions [Volume 53, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 9-24]
  • Al-ta‘zīr fī kull-i ma‘ṣiya A Deliberation on the Principle of Al-ta‘zīr fī kull-i ma‘ṣiya (discretionary punishment in all sins) [Volume 48, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 45-63]
  • Al-ta‘zīr li kull-i ma‘ṣiya A Deliberation on the Principle of Al-ta‘zīr fī kull-i ma‘ṣiya (discretionary punishment in all sins) [Volume 48, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 45-63]
  • Alzheimer' The effect of Alzheimer's disease on the obligation, correctness and performance of prayer [(Articles in Press)]
  • Al-ʿIbrah in general The Realm and Influence of the Narrator's Question Centered on the Al-ʿIbrah Rule [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 95-122]
  • Am al-Balva The reflection and functions of the public Balva-involvements- phenomenon in the issues of principles of jurisprudence [Volume 55, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 87-102]
  • Amme(Sunni) A Reflection on the Preference of Opposing the Sunnis in Light of Delimitation of the Scope of Sunnis [Volume 52, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 97-120]
  • Amulet A Study on the Religious Percept of Removing Goods from the Place of Safe Custody while under Hypnosis [Volume 51, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 9-30]
  • Annulment A study into annulment (iqālah) from the perspective of Shiite jurisprudence and law [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 143-157]
  • Apostasy Feasibility of the Occurrence of Apostasy due to Initial Declaration of Disbelief after Puberty in the Light of the Lawgiver’s Graceful Approach [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 97-119]
  • Apparent motive of a precept Reinvestigation and Explanation of the Status of the Terms “the Real Motive” and “the Apparent Motive” in Deduction of Precepts [Volume 53, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 46-25]
  • Application The Role of Verity Proposition in Principles of Jurisprudence [Volume 46, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 197-220]
  • Application Applicability and restriction, difference or unity of opinions of reformed scholars [(Articles in Press)]
  • Applications in the principles of jurisprudence Regulation of the Rule of Tark-i ʾIstifṣāl and Clarification of its Applications in the Field of Principles of Jurisprudence [Volume 56, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 167-198]
  • Armed Conflicts Etymology of War Perfidy from the Perspective of Islamic Humanitarian Law in Comparison to the Hague Convention and the Geneva Conventions [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 61-41]
  • Article 326 A jurisprudential and legal reflection on Article 326 of the Civil Code (Purchase of usurped goods with knowledge of usurpation) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Article 873 of Civil Code" Critique of the allocation of inheritance in uncertain deaths by drowning and destruction (based on linguistic relationships in evidence) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Artificial meat Analyzing the jurisprudential dimensions of the ruling on the production and consumption of laboratory meat [Volume 54, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 157-174]
  • Astarābādī The Core Concept of Astarābādī’s Intellectual System and its Reflection in Biography (Tarājum) Sources [Volume 46, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 81-104]
  • Ayatollah Sanei Analysis of justice practices in the process of inference based on several fatwas of Shaz Ayatollah Sanei [(Articles in Press)]
  • Azlal Self-esteem and its Jurisprudential Rulings [Volume 51, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 87-107]


  • Bail Stipulation of Option in the Bail Contract (Kafala) from the Perspective of Comparative Jurisprudence [Volume 51, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 31-57]
  • Banā-yi ʿUqalā Identifying the Theory of the Impossibility of Deterring Rationality-based Banāʾāt (Common Performances) in the Context of Examining the Views of Muḥaqiq Isfahānī and Shahīd Șadr [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 31-51]
  • Ba~s Analyzing the concept of negation of "Ba~s" in Imami jurisprudence [Volume 55, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 123-145]
  • Ba~s existence Analyzing the concept of negation of "Ba~s" in Imami jurisprudence [Volume 55, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 123-145]
  • Being Contrary to Sunnis The Status of the “What is contrary to them involves rectitude” Element in Traditions Concerning Treatment of Contradictory Proofs and its Evaluation in Respect of Testimony and Judgment by non-Shiites [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 163-143]
  • Benefit A Legal-Judicial Deliberation on the Article 575 of the Civil Law [Volume 43, Issue 2, 2011]
  • Benefit Identification the nature of Advisory and Prescriptive Commands Through Case Study [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 143-164]
  • Benevolence legal acts "Ihsani" assessment of the nature of legal actions by analyzing the concept of acceptance and consent [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 159-178]
  • Bipolar Jurisprudence and legal status of transactions in mania [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 53-73]
  • Blood Money Increase The Foundations and Arguments for Attaching the Holy Shrines to Haram in terms of Blood Money Increase and Postponement of Executing the Sentence [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 123-109]
  • Bone Dīyih (Atonement) and Arsh (Redress) of a Child's Broken Nose [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 53-69]
  • Both Sexuality Description and Critique of Article 373 of the Islamic Penal Code 2013 in Mathematical Language [Volume 51, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 25-40]


  • Captive A Reflection on the Right to be granted the Prisoner of War status in the Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 51, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 137-157]
  • Captivity A Reflection on the Right to be granted the Prisoner of War status in the Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 51, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 137-157]
  • Carnal desires Analyzing the meaning of chastity in jurisprudence and ethics [(Articles in Press)]
  • Causes and Consequences of Difference between the Narrated Texts of the Same Hadith Analysis of Difference between the Narrated Texts of the Same Jurisprudential Hadith from the Perspective of Sahib Javaher [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 53-75]
  • Causes of the Removal of Criminal Liability An Examination of the Validity of the Proofs of the Famous Opinion of Imamia Jurists about Murder under Duress [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 137-156]
  • Cell culture Analyzing the jurisprudential dimensions of the ruling on the production and consumption of laboratory meat [Volume 54, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 157-174]
  • Change Change of Fatwā and its Backgrounds in Sunnī Jurisprudence [Volume 46, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 53-80]
  • Charity Internal Legal Alms (Zakāt) from Jurisprudential Point of View [Volume 43, Issue 1, 2011]
  • Chastity jurisprudence Analyzing the meaning of chastity in jurisprudence and ethics [(Articles in Press)]
  • Child Abuse Rereading the Jurisprudential Precept of Sexual Enjoyment from a Minor Wife in the Light of Psychoanalytic Considerations [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 165-182]
  • Christianity The Ruling for Disrespect to the Holy Mary in Christian Law [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009]
  • Christianity Mutability of Protective Covenant (dhamma) with the Birth of Modern Citizenship Rights [Volume 48, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 89-115]
  • Citizenship Mutability of Protective Covenant (dhamma) with the Birth of Modern Citizenship Rights [Volume 48, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 89-115]
  • Civilizing ijtihad Methodology of Civilization-Making Ijtihad (A Tool to Extract Systems and Processes Needed on the Scale of a Civilization) [Volume 51, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 159-179]
  • Civil liability Collective beneficence (collective good) an its role in civil liability [Volume 47, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 99-115]
  • Civil liability Jurisprudential study of the civil liability of robots [Volume 53, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 190-171]
  • Civil Responsibility The Basis for Civil Responsibility or Liability Resulting from the Failure to Fulfill a Commitment [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009]
  • Civil Responsibility The Basis and Realm of the Damage Surplus to Blood Money [Volume 43, Issue 2, 2011]
  • Civil Responsibility The Role of the Wasting and Causation Rules in Environmental Civil Responsibility [Volume 44, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 41-61]
  • Civil Responsibility Examining the Rights of Owners of Pet Dogs from the Perspective of Imamia Jurisprudence and Iranian Law with Emphasis on the Jurisprudence of Courts [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 105-87]
  • Close Connection A Comparative Study of the Explanation of the Relation between Term and Meaning from the Perspective of Saussure and Mohammad Baqir Sadr [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 85-104]
  • Coma The effect of coma on the legal relations of a person in a coma [(Articles in Press)]
  • Combination The Jurisprudential Verdict of Combination of Fatwas in the Four Sunni Schools [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 51-72]
  • Common sense Methodological criticism of focusing on the text of Shari'i addresses as expressions of narrative evidence [(Articles in Press)]
  • Communication Examining the jurisprudential ruling on starting a verbal relationship with a non-mahram [Volume 53, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 197-171]
  • Community The Concept of Socio-political System (Niẓām) and its Application in Jurisprudence and Principles [Volume 44, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 125-150]
  • Compatibility The Status of Ethical Parity of the Married Couple in Formation of Family in Jurisprudence and Statutory Law [Volume 40, Issue 3, 2008]
  • Compliance of the contract with the intention A reflection on the meaning and foundations of "forced peace" in Imami jurisprudence [(Articles in Press)]
  • Compulsory License Legal-Judicial Study of Compulsory Licenses for Exploitation of Invention Right [Volume 49, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 79-94]
  • Compulsory peace A reflection on the meaning and foundations of "forced peace" in Imami jurisprudence [(Articles in Press)]
  • Concept of Condition An introduction to the arguments of those who agree with the concept of condition in the light of the monopoly of causality [Volume 53, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 170-147]
  • Concept of Right The paradigms that govern the concept of right )Study of the approach of Islamic jurisprudence and jurists( [Volume 53, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 67-49]
  • Conceptual Differences The Terminology of “the Book” and “Quran” from the Viewpoint of Scholars of Usul Science [Volume 52, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 9-34]
  • Condition of Option Stipulation of Option in the Bail Contract (Kafala) from the Perspective of Comparative Jurisprudence [Volume 51, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 31-57]
  • Confidence Restudying the Authority of Confidence [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 24-9]
  • Conflict An Inquiry into the Reasons for the Jurists' Difference of Opinion in their Approach to Traditions [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009]
  • Conflict “Perfect ability” the requirement of creation, actuality or non-contingency? [Volume 51, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 93-110]
  • Conflict Jurisprudential challenges of the wife's responsibility towards the infant, based on medical data with emphasis on premature infants [Volume 53, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 146-125]
  • Conflict Analyzing the obstacle of conflict in the validity of the positive principle [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 211-231]
  • Conflicting with Sunni hadiths An Analysis of the Expansion of the Principle of Proofs of Tolerance (Tasāmuḥ) in the Recommended Rulings (Adilli-yi Sunan) in Sunni Hadiths [Volume 55, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 39-68]
  • Conflict with Harsh Rules A Research to Resolve the Apparent Conflict between the La Haraj Rule and the Harsh Acts of Islam; Answers and analyzes [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 73-91]
  • Contagious Disease The Effect of Dangerous Contagious Diseases on the Ability and Acts and Rituals of Hajj [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 77-95]
  • Contract A Legal-Judicial Deliberation on the Article 575 of the Civil Law [Volume 43, Issue 2, 2011]
  • Contract Examining the Condition of the Accountability of the Trustee with Reliance on the Accountability of the Tenant [Volume 45, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 123-142]
  • Contract An Analysis of the Role of Assent in Commitment Bequest [Volume 49, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 69-88]
  • Contract Legal Reappraisal of Legitimacy and Outcome of Contingent Deception [Volume 50, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 47-68]
  • Contract Study of the Four Objections on the Viewpoint of Non-effectiveness of Conceptual Appropriations Contradicting Contractual Commitment [Volume 50, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 83-97]
  • Contract Pre-contractual Liability of the Person who Takes Possession of Another’s Property Offered for Sale, its Basis and Implications [Volume 51, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 31-49]
  • Contract validity conditions A reflection on the meaning and foundations of "forced peace" in Imami jurisprudence [(Articles in Press)]
  • Contradiction of Proofs The Change of Relation and its Validity to Resolve the Contradiction of Proofs [Volume 51, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 109-127]
  • Contradiction of Proofs The Status of the “What is contrary to them involves rectitude” Element in Traditions Concerning Treatment of Contradictory Proofs and its Evaluation in Respect of Testimony and Judgment by non-Shiites [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 163-143]
  • Contradiction of Proofs of the Oppressor's Rule A Study on the Precept of Accepting the Oppressor's Rule with the Purpose of Enjoining the Right and Forbidding the Wrong [Volume 53, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 179-159]
  • Conventional collection Redefining Collective Rationality in Narratives and Its Jurisprudential Applications [(Articles in Press)]
  • Conventional Justice Restudying the Retaliation of Mother for Murdering Her Child in the Light of the Objectives of Religion [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 47-63]
  • Conventional Perceptions Studying the Conventional Nature of Usul al-Fiqh and Change of its Subject-Matter based on Allame Tabatabaei's Theory of Conventional Perceptions [Volume 53, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 9-24]
  • Conventional Perceptions Rhetorical Hermeneutics and the Role of Interpretative Issues of Usul al-Fiqh Science in the Iranian Law [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 121-142]
  • Conventional-personal criterion The nature and effects of inserting a useless clause in the contract [(Articles in Press)]
  • Corrupt and more Corrupt A Study on the Precept of Accepting the Oppressor's Rule with the Purpose of Enjoining the Right and Forbidding the Wrong [Volume 53, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 179-159]
  • Corruption Study of the Impact of the Illegitimate Aspect in the Soundness and Corruption of Transactions [Volume 49, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 69-88]
  • Corruption Feasibility of Criminalizing Rishāʾ (Bribery) and Irtishāʾ (Corruption) in the Private Sector, Based on the Principles of Imāmī Jurisprudence [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 71-93]
  • Corrupt on Earth Jurisprudential Foundations of “Leniency Regime for Political Offenders” [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 9-28]
  • Cost-benefit Studying the Legal Principle of “Prohibition of Consuming Property Wrongfully” from the Perspective of Law and Economy” [Volume 49, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 111-134]
  • Couples A Deliberation on the Deprivation of Couples from Right to Qiṣāṣ [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009]
  • Covenant Stipulation of Option in the Bail Contract (Kafala) from the Perspective of Comparative Jurisprudence [Volume 51, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 31-57]
  • Credibility of a single reports The Criteria for the Acceptance of Ḥadīths in Vaḥīd Bihbahānī’s Viewpoint [Volume 55, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 131-161]
  • Credit Money The Criterion for Fulfilling Rights in Debts in Case of Increasing the Purchase Power of Money on Due Date of Obligation [Volume 50, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 45-58]
  • Creditors A study and different view on the inseparable accretions of the sold object in the issue of the option for insolvency [(Articles in Press)]
  • Crime Legal and Juridical Study of Qiṣāṣ through Donation of Organs [Volume 44, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 65-84]
  • Crime Reinvestigating the Application of the Title of Sin to Sriminal Act in the Religious State [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 191-169]
  • Criminal The Precept of Spread of the Forgiven Crime [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 157-176]
  • Criminal Action The Imbecile’s Confession in Criminal Actions: a Criticism of Article 170 of the Islamic Penal Code [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 11-27]
  • Criminal Affairs Inadmissibility of applying the permission rule in criminal matters Case study of legal requirements of intoxicants for religious minorities [Volume 53, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 48-29]
  • Criminal crime Description and Critique of Article 373 of the Islamic Penal Code 2013 in Mathematical Language [Volume 51, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 25-40]
  • Criminal Jurisprudence A Reflection on Extending the Implications and Examples of Hudud in the Islamic Penal Code of 2013 [Volume 51, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 71-94]
  • Criminal Justice Approaches to facing the moral challenges of Islamic criminal law [(Articles in Press)]
  • Criminal Procedure Intensional-critical Analysis of the Place of Religion in Criminal Legislation and Proceedings from the Viewpoint of the Relation between Jurisprudence and Law [Volume 52, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 163-180]
  • Criminal sentences Approaches to facing the moral challenges of Islamic criminal law [(Articles in Press)]
  • Critical analysis Critical study of traditional jurisprudence approach to women's rights (foundations and challenges) [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 123-147]
  • Customary Capability of Impure Objects to be Owned Examining the Rights of Owners of Pet Dogs from the Perspective of Imamia Jurisprudence and Iranian Law with Emphasis on the Jurisprudence of Courts [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 105-87]


  • Damage The Basis and Realm of the Damage Surplus to Blood Money [Volume 43, Issue 2, 2011]
  • Damage The Role of the Wasting and Causation Rules in Environmental Civil Responsibility [Volume 44, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 41-61]
  • Damage Reviewing the impact of abuse and wastage in the lent (trust), a comparative study in Islamic jurisprudence and civil law [Volume 48, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 129-149]
  • Damage The effect of the condition "in Islam" in the tradition of "Lazarar and Lazerar"(no harm and no damage) in deducing jurisprudential issues [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 31-52]
  • Dangerous Sports The Sharia Precept of Dangerous Sports and the Liability Arising from their Accidents in light of Islamic Society’s Needs [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 167-147]
  • Dāʿī bar Dāʿī Analyzing the Solution of “Dāʿī bar Dāʿī” in Correcting Hire Contracts for Obligations, Using the Opinions of Imām khomeinī [Volume 56, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 91-115]
  • Deception Definition and domain of war tricks and its distinction with betrayal in armed conflicts from the perspective of Islamic humanitarian law in comparison with international treaties [Volume 53, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 72-51]
  • Dedicated Legal-Jurisprudential Study of Changing the Endowment Properties for the Better [Volume 50, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 135-158]
  • Defense Power Examining the Proofs of Permissibility or Prohibition of Production and Stockpiling of Weapons Mass Destruction [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 107-87]
  • Defense Readiness Examining the Proofs of Permissibility or Prohibition of Production and Stockpiling of Weapons Mass Destruction [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 107-87]
  • Deposit Reflection on the concept of trustworthiness of the contract and its scope and the inclusion of evidence of non-guarantee of trust on non-emotional trust contracts [(Articles in Press)]
  • Desecration of religion The concept of religion and its typology [(Articles in Press)]
  • Despite the challenges noticed in the meaning and concept of pederasty (lawāṭ) A Deliberation on Punishment for Pederasty: Legal-Judicial Analysis of Article 110 of Iranian Civil Law [Volume 44, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 101-124]
  • Dia (blood money) Jurisprudential Analysis of the Blood Money of “Penetrating Injuries” [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 146-129]
  • Difference between the Narrated Texts of the Same Hadith Analysis of Difference between the Narrated Texts of the Same Jurisprudential Hadith from the Perspective of Sahib Javaher [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 53-75]
  • Dignity Self-esteem and its Jurisprudential Rulings [Volume 51, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 87-107]
  • Disagreement with Sunni’s A Reflection on the Preference of Opposing the Sunnis in Light of Delimitation of the Scope of Sunnis [Volume 52, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 97-120]
  • Discovery certainty The Validity of Certainty and the Possibility of violating And rejecting and negating it. [(Articles in Press)]
  • Divine justice An Inquiry into the Legal-Theological Rule of "Non-Reprimand and Unaccountability of a Person Versus another Person’s Action” [Volume 45, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 9-33]
  • Divorce of Adi and Sani Divorce of a pregnant woman is on the balance sheet [(Articles in Press)]
  • Divorce of a pregnant woman Divorce of a pregnant woman is on the balance sheet [(Articles in Press)]
  • Divorce of the carrier Divorce of a pregnant woman is on the balance sheet [(Articles in Press)]
  • Dīyih and Arsh Dīyih (Atonement) and Arsh (Redress) of a Child's Broken Nose [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 53-69]
  • Document A research on the documents and validity of Hadith Raf~ [Volume 55, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 103-121]
  • Donation with consideration (Hibbah-i Maʿvaż) An Analysis of the Jurisprudential Nature of Cryptocurrency Mining [Volume 56, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 143-165]
  • Dubieties Concerning the Precept Reading the Viewpoint of Sayyed Ahmad Khansari about Istishab based on Jami al-Madarek Book [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 209-229]
  • Dubiety A study on whether providing for General Principles and Rules of Penal Law in Criminal Codes is Necessary (Case study of Dar Rule in the Islamic Penal Code of 2013) [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 70-49]


  • Economic crimes Delay in the criminalization of economic disruption based on the verse of Moharebeh "with a look at the Islamic Penal Code approved in 92 [(Articles in Press)]
  • Economic justice Internal Legal Alms (Zakāt) from Jurisprudential Point of View [Volume 43, Issue 1, 2011]
  • Economic relations with the infidels Sanctity of Neutral Unbeliever’s Property [Volume 51, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 145-166]
  • Eid al-Adha Taqsir (cutting the hair and nails) and Performance of Hajj Rites by Female Pilgrims on the Night of Eid al-Adha (the Feast of Sacrifice) [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 85-71]
  • Emam khomeyni opinion A Rereading of the Jurisprudential Precept for Participation at the Dissidents’ Communal Prayers and Following Their Leadership with a Special Regard to Imam Khomein’s Viewpoint [Volume 48, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 137-158]
  • Emerging jurisprudential issue Acting upon generalities and applications in emerging jurisprudential issues in the light of explaining the criterion of innovation [Volume 53, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 107-89]
  • Emerging topic Acting upon generalities and applications in emerging jurisprudential issues in the light of explaining the criterion of innovation [Volume 53, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 107-89]
  • Emirates The validity of the positive principle according to hadiths [(Articles in Press)]
  • Emotional Abuse Rereading the Jurisprudential Precept of Sexual Enjoyment from a Minor Wife in the Light of Psychoanalytic Considerations [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 165-182]
  • Entitlement to Shufʿa Analyzing the Urgency of the Right of “shufʿa” in Shīʿa and Sunnī Jurisprudence [Volume 56, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 225-250]
  • Environment The Role of the Wasting and Causation Rules in Environmental Civil Responsibility [Volume 44, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 41-61]
  • Epistemology The Nature of Certitude in Epistemological Terms and the Necessity of Formulating Uṣūlī Material on its Basis [Volume 49, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 131-153]
  • Eternity is an endowment The Stipulation of “return of the Endowment Object to the Donor’s Property in Case of Need” as a Resolutory Condition in the Endowment Contract A Jurisprudential and Legal Study [Volume 51, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 51-74]
  • Ethics The Status of Ethical Parity of the Married Couple in Formation of Family in Jurisprudence and Statutory Law [Volume 40, Issue 3, 2008]
  • Ethics Analyzing the meaning of chastity in jurisprudence and ethics [(Articles in Press)]
  • Evidences for the inference of Shariah rulings Analyzing the arguments of the opponents of the authority of the taste of the Sharia based on the analysis of the forms of reference to the taste of the Sharia [(Articles in Press)]
  • Excercizing Shufʿa Analyzing the Urgency of the Right of “shufʿa” in Shīʿa and Sunnī Jurisprudence [Volume 56, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 225-250]


  • Factors Change of Fatwā and its Backgrounds in Sunnī Jurisprudence [Volume 46, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 53-80]
  • Factors to Prefer a Report of a Hadith with Different Narrated Texts over Another Analysis of Difference between the Narrated Texts of the Same Jurisprudential Hadith from the Perspective of Sahib Javaher [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 53-75]
  • Family The Status of Ethical Parity of the Married Couple in Formation of Family in Jurisprudence and Statutory Law [Volume 40, Issue 3, 2008]
  • Family Examining the Relation between Ladies' Covering and Family Consolidation in Religious Doctrines [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010]
  • Family An Introduction to the Status of Morality in Marriage and Family Rights [Volume 43, Issue 2, 2011]
  • Family Familial Immunity in Offences against Properties and Ownership [Volume 46, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 97-120]
  • Famous Fatwas The Influence of Feyz Kashani from Mohaghegh Ardabili [(Articles in Press)]
  • Fasting Examining the Denotation of the Principle, “Necessity of Abstention…” for Divorce in Case of Avoidance or Inability of the Husband in Fulfilling Marital Rights [Volume 50, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 25-43]
  • Fayḍ Kāshānī Intellect and its Application in Fayḍ Kāshānī’s Jurisprudential Thought [Volume 46, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 159-176]
  • Fear The Effect of Dangerous Contagious Diseases on the Ability and Acts and Rituals of Hajj [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 77-95]
  • Fee (ujrat) Analyzing the Solution of “Dāʿī bar Dāʿī” in Correcting Hire Contracts for Obligations, Using the Opinions of Imām khomeinī [Volume 56, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 91-115]
  • Fetus A Study of the Legitimacy of choosing the sex of fetus in Imami and Sunni Jurisprudence [Volume 53, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 49-29]
  • Feyz Kashani The Influence of Feyz Kashani from Mohaghegh Ardabili [(Articles in Press)]
  • Financial Punishment The Imbecile’s Confession in Criminal Actions: a Criticism of Article 170 of the Islamic Penal Code [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 11-27]
  • Forbidding Reinvestigating the Application of the Title of Sin to Sriminal Act in the Religious State [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 191-169]
  • Forms of reference to the taste of Sharia Analyzing the arguments of the opponents of the authority of the taste of the Sharia based on the analysis of the forms of reference to the taste of the Sharia [(Articles in Press)]
  • Fornication with incest Jurisprudential analysis of the verdict of adultery with a mahram from the perspective of three aspects: the concentration of punishment, the association of the title with the description of horses and adultery with an adult mahram [(Articles in Press)]
  • Four Months Jurisprudential Challenges Regarding the Limitation of Wife’s Sexual Enjoyment Right in Four Months [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 142-125]
  • Four Sunni Schools The Jurisprudential Verdict of Combination of Fatwas in the Four Sunni Schools [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 51-72]
  • Fracture Dīyih (Atonement) and Arsh (Redress) of a Child's Broken Nose [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 53-69]
  • Freedom of Religion Feasibility of the Occurrence of Apostasy due to Initial Declaration of Disbelief after Puberty in the Light of the Lawgiver’s Graceful Approach [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 97-119]
  • Fruit Right of Passage (Ḥaq al-Mārra) in New perspective [Volume 46, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 159-181]
  • Fundamentalism The two Trends of Akhbāriyya and Salafiyya in [Volume 40, Issue 3, 2008]


  • General Extraction and Codification of Criteria for “General Refusal of Specification” [Volume 50, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 69-84]
  • General aesthetic Application of Probative Principle in the Usul al-Fiqh and Islamic Jurisprudence Sciences [Volume 51, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 93-114]
  • General legal ruling Understanding the Expression of “Qażīya fī Wāqiʿa” and Debunking Related Doubts [Volume 56, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 57-89]
  • General Principles of Penal Law A study on whether providing for General Principles and Rules of Penal Law in Criminal Codes is Necessary (Case study of Dar Rule in the Islamic Penal Code of 2013) [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 70-49]
  • General rules of law A study on whether providing for General Principles and Rules of Penal Law in Criminal Codes is Necessary (Case study of Dar Rule in the Islamic Penal Code of 2013) [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 70-49]
  • Geneva convention Definition and domain of war tricks and its distinction with betrayal in armed conflicts from the perspective of Islamic humanitarian law in comparison with international treaties [Volume 53, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 72-51]
  • Ghadar (treachery) Etymology of War Perfidy from the Perspective of Islamic Humanitarian Law in Comparison to the Hague Convention and the Geneva Conventions [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 61-41]
  • Ghaliz Jurisprudential analysis of the verdict of adultery with a mahram from the perspective of three aspects: the concentration of punishment, the association of the title with the description of horses and adultery with an adult mahram [(Articles in Press)]
  • Goods obtainer Pre-contractual Liability of the Person who Takes Possession of Another’s Property Offered for Sale, its Basis and Implications [Volume 51, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 31-49]
  • Government Decrees Reinvestigating the Application of the Title of Sin to Sriminal Act in the Religious State [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 191-169]
  • Graceful Rules Feasibility of the Occurrence of Apostasy due to Initial Declaration of Disbelief after Puberty in the Light of the Lawgiver’s Graceful Approach [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 97-119]
  • Green Prophet Green alaeme The Penalty for Blasphemy against the Infallibles and its Reconciliation with their Practical Conduct [Volume 51, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 129-144]
  • Green punishment The Penalty for Blasphemy against the Infallibles and its Reconciliation with their Practical Conduct [Volume 51, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 129-144]
  • Guarantee Jurisprudential Possibility of Using the Principle of Causation (Tasbīb) in Contractual Liability [Volume 55, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 105-130]
  • Guarantee of implementation The nature and effects of inserting a useless clause in the contract [(Articles in Press)]
  • Guardianship A Juridical-Legal Inquiry into ‘Aḍl in the Marriage of the Grown-up Virgin [Volume 43, Issue 2, 2011]


  • Had The Scope of Intercession in Different Types of Punishments [Volume 51, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 115-137]
  • Hadith like" Validation and analysis of the statement “The obligation of prayer is not removed under any circumstances” [(Articles in Press)]
  • Hadith Narrated by One Person Analysis of the Authority of the Four Sources of Ijtihad from the Perspective of Nasir al Din al-Albani [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 33-51]
  • Hague Regulations Definition and domain of war tricks and its distinction with betrayal in armed conflicts from the perspective of Islamic humanitarian law in comparison with international treaties [Volume 53, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 72-51]
  • Hahge Ikhtisas Examining the Rights of Owners of Pet Dogs from the Perspective of Imamia Jurisprudence and Iranian Law with Emphasis on the Jurisprudence of Courts [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 105-87]
  • Hajar The effect of coma on the legal relations of a person in a coma [(Articles in Press)]
  • Hajj Jurisprudential Study of the Excused Pilgrims’ Duties in Hajj [Volume 52, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 137-151]
  • Hajj The Effect of Dangerous Contagious Diseases on the Ability and Acts and Rituals of Hajj [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 77-95]
  • Happy sayings of the elders Divorce of a pregnant woman is on the balance sheet [(Articles in Press)]
  • Haram The Foundations and Arguments for Attaching the Holy Shrines to Haram in terms of Blood Money Increase and Postponement of Executing the Sentence [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 123-109]
  • HARAZ (safe custody) Jurisprudential Study of Theft of Alimony by Wife [Volume 51, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 29-48]
  • Hardship A Research to Resolve the Apparent Conflict between the La Haraj Rule and the Harsh Acts of Islam; Answers and analyzes [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 73-91]
  • Harm Identification the nature of Advisory and Prescriptive Commands Through Case Study [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 143-164]
  • Harm The effect of the condition "in Islam" in the tradition of "Lazarar and Lazerar"(no harm and no damage) in deducing jurisprudential issues [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 31-52]
  • Harmful abandonment of an act Jurisprudential study of the civil liability of robots [Volume 53, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 190-171]
  • Harmful act Jurisprudential study of the civil liability of robots [Volume 53, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 190-171]
  • Hasbah Jurisprudential foundations of conflict of interests management [Volume 55, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 147-167]
  • Hasm (Eradication) The Hasm (Eradication) Rule in Imamia Jurisprudential Evidences [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 113-130]
  • Hasm (Eradication) Rule The Hasm (Eradication) Rule in Imamia Jurisprudential Evidences [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 113-130]
  • Health The Effect of Dangerous Contagious Diseases on the Ability and Acts and Rituals of Hajj [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 77-95]
  • Health The effect of Alzheimer's disease on the obligation, correctness and performance of prayer [(Articles in Press)]
  • Hermeneutics Study of the Precondition for the Contemporaneity of the Attitude of the Intellectual with the Era of the Infallibles (Study of the Ways to Generalize the Authenticity of the Attitude of the Intellectual to the Newly-Appeared Attitudes) [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010]
  • Hiring of persons Examining the Effects of the Lessor of Persons’ (Mustaʾjir’s) Refusal of Accepting the Agent’s (Ajīr’s) Work from a Jurisprudential View [Volume 56, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 33-55]
  • Hodud A Reflection on Extending the Implications and Examples of Hudud in the Islamic Penal Code of 2013 [Volume 51, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 71-94]
  • Holy Shrines The Foundations and Arguments for Attaching the Holy Shrines to Haram in terms of Blood Money Increase and Postponement of Executing the Sentence [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 123-109]
  • Hudud Intensional-critical Analysis of the Place of Religion in Criminal Legislation and Proceedings from the Viewpoint of the Relation between Jurisprudence and Law [Volume 52, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 163-180]
  • Humanitarian law A Reflection on the Right to be granted the Prisoner of War status in the Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 51, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 137-157]
  • Humanitarian law Etymology of War Perfidy from the Perspective of Islamic Humanitarian Law in Comparison to the Hague Convention and the Geneva Conventions [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 61-41]
  • Humanitarian law Definition and domain of war tricks and its distinction with betrayal in armed conflicts from the perspective of Islamic humanitarian law in comparison with international treaties [Volume 53, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 72-51]
  • Human rights A Research concerning the Principles of the Right for Human Dignity in Sources of Rules [Volume 45, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 9-30]
  • Human rights Status of Human Dignity in the Process of Inferring Rulings [Volume 45, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 25-41]
  • Hypomania Jurisprudence and legal status of transactions in mania [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 53-73]


  • Ibn Idrīs Investigating ‘a single report’ (khabar al-wāhid) in the jurisprudence of Ibn Idrīs [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 33-57]
  • Idjmā‘ Idjmā‘(Consensus) Caught up between Mohaghegh Ardabili’s Rejection and Approval [Volume 51, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 65-86]
  • Idjmā‘ madraki Idjmā‘(Consensus) Caught up between Mohaghegh Ardabili’s Rejection and Approval [Volume 51, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 65-86]
  • Idjmā‘ manghul Idjmā‘(Consensus) Caught up between Mohaghegh Ardabili’s Rejection and Approval [Volume 51, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 65-86]
  • Ignorance Sell Mastercell; Re-examining the nature, effects and relationship measurement with the Sale based on the opinion of one of the parties to the contract [(Articles in Press)]
  • Ignorance Caused by Fault Analyzing the Bases of Conflict Concerning the Repelling Dubiety Criterion from the Viewpoint of Imami Jurists [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 86-63]
  • Ijtihād algorithm The Methodology of Detecting the Intention of the Lawmaker (Midhāq-i Shāriʿ) (A Case Study : Verdicts of Revoking from Husband to Wife) [Volume 55, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 237-263]
  • Imam ‘Alī (A.S.) A Deliberation on the Tradition Renowned in Shī‘ī Jurisprudence Evidences (The Tradition of Imam ‘Alī’s (A.S.) Lost Coat of Mail) [Volume 46, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 25-45]
  • Imamiah Analysis of the Scope and Rule of Tjarri (effrontery) in Imamia Jurisprudence and its Application to Incomplete Crimes [Volume 51, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 95-114]
  • Imamia Jurisprudence The Function of Historical Evidences in Imamia Jurisprudence; Case Study of Hadiths Concerning Causes of Revelation [Volume 51, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 41-63]
  • Imamia Jurisprudence The Imbecile’s Confession in Criminal Actions: a Criticism of Article 170 of the Islamic Penal Code [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 11-27]
  • Imami jurisprudence The nature and legitimacy of Tanzil in Imami jurisprudence and its examples in Islamic banking (Tanzil in Imami jurisprudence( [Volume 55, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 67-86]
  • Imāmī jurisprudence The Impact of Obligation to Assignment of Ownership (Tamlīk) in Imāmī Jurisprudence and Iranian Law [Volume 44, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 181-200]
  • Imamiya jurisprudence Examining the nature and conditions of Zeghth punishment in Imami jurisprudence [(Articles in Press)]
  • Imamiyya A Study of the Legitimacy of choosing the sex of fetus in Imami and Sunni Jurisprudence [Volume 53, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 49-29]
  • Imāmiyya jurisprudence؛ anti-shī‘a؛ expressing enmity to Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.)؛ religious devotedness to enmity toward Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.)؛ unbelief Criterion for “Anti-Shī‘a Approach”, Rulings and Effects Governed over the Anti-Shī‘as in Imāmī Jurisprudence [Volume 49, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 47-64]
  • Imām Jamā' Re-examination of the Prohibition of Sinfulness's Viewpoint in Imām Jamā'at with Emphasis on Traditions [(Articles in Press)]
  • Imam Khomeini Study of the owner of the authority in selling animals with an approach according to Imam Khomeini [Volume 53, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 28-9]
  • Imam Khomeini Voidable (Safahī) Transactions in the Cryptocurrency Market with an Emphasis on Imam Khomeini’s Viewpoints [Volume 55, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 265-292]
  • Imam Khomeini (RA) A research on the value of "encrypted currencies" with a look at the jurisprudence of Imam Khomeini (RA) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Imam Khomeini’s doctrinal (uṣūlī) thought An Analysis of Lawful Commands, their Effects, Objections, and Response [Volume 49, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 113-132]
  • Imams (A.S.) An Approach to the Traditions on Taḥlīl and Negation of Liability to Khums Prior to Shī‘a Ownership [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009]
  • Important and more Important A Study on the Precept of Accepting the Oppressor's Rule with the Purpose of Enjoining the Right and Forbidding the Wrong [Volume 53, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 179-159]
  • Independence A New Approach in Determining the Boundaries of Intervention in the Marriage of a Virgin: Explain the scope of support and involvement [(Articles in Press)]
  • Indeterminate Optional Duress [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 29-46]
  • Individual Rights The Precept of Spread of the Forgiven Crime [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 157-176]
  • Infallible Typology of Taqrīr (Tacit Approval) in Jurisprudence of Schools [Volume 46, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 91-115]
  • Infidel Evaluation of the Jihad Da'wah (Jihad of Invitation) Theory by the Scales of the Holy Prophet's (PBUH&H) Act [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 147-168]
  • Inflation A Legal Study of Lending Paper Money and the Impact of Inflation on it [Volume 40, Issue 3, 2008]
  • Influence The Influence of Feyz Kashani from Mohaghegh Ardabili [(Articles in Press)]
  • Inheritance in Cases of Destruction and Drowning" Critique of the allocation of inheritance in uncertain deaths by drowning and destruction (based on linguistic relationships in evidence) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Inheritance in Traffic Accidents" Critique of the allocation of inheritance in uncertain deaths by drowning and destruction (based on linguistic relationships in evidence) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Inherited Islam Feasibility of the Occurrence of Apostasy due to Initial Declaration of Disbelief after Puberty in the Light of the Lawgiver’s Graceful Approach [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 97-119]
  • Injebar theory How Allameh Halli faced Khabar Vahed [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 167-190]
  • Inqilab al-nisba Reappraisal of the Principles Influential in the Theory of Relation Change [Volume 50, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 59-73]
  • Inseparable accretions A study and different view on the inseparable accretions of the sold object in the issue of the option for insolvency [(Articles in Press)]
  • Insertion A Legal Deliberation on Article 63 of Islamic Penal Law and the Clause 1 to Article 1-221 of the Suggested Bill [Volume 43, Issue 1, 2011]
  • Insolvent A study and different view on the inseparable accretions of the sold object in the issue of the option for insolvency [(Articles in Press)]
  • Instance (Instances) Strategic Study of the Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 29-49]
  • Intercession The Scope of Intercession in Different Types of Punishments [Volume 51, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 115-137]
  • Internet plagiarism Internet Plagiarism: Liable to Ḥadd or Ta‘zīr? [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010]
  • Intervention A New Approach in Determining the Boundaries of Intervention in the Marriage of a Virgin: Explain the scope of support and involvement [(Articles in Press)]
  • Intoxication Inadmissibility of applying the permission rule in criminal matters Case study of legal requirements of intoxicants for religious minorities [Volume 53, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 48-29]
  • Iran Analysis of the Scope and Rule of Tjarri (effrontery) in Imamia Jurisprudence and its Application to Incomplete Crimes [Volume 51, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 95-114]
  • Iranian law Lapse of Qiṣāṣ Punishment due to Taking Possession of the Right to Qiṣāṣ [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009]
  • Iranian legal system Interaction of Value and Reality in Creating Legal Rule [Volume 46, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 159-183]
  • Iran’s law The Impacts of Oath of Knowledge Denial in Jurisprudence and Iran’s Law [Volume 49, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 135-152]
  • Irrevocability Stipulation of Option in the Bail Contract (Kafala) from the Perspective of Comparative Jurisprudence [Volume 51, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 31-57]
  • Irshādī ruling Clarifying the Reality of Guiding (Irshādī) Rule with a Focus on Understanding Reason and The Conduct of the Wise (Banā-yi ʿUqalā) [Volume 56, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 137-160]
  • Islam Deliberations on the Condition for the Executor of Testament to be a Muslim [Volume 45, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 105-122]
  • Islamic approach The Principle of “Obligation for Dignifying Human Being” in Islamic Jurisprudence and Law [Volume 47, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 33-54]
  • Islamic banking The nature and legitimacy of Tanzil in Imami jurisprudence and its examples in Islamic banking (Tanzil in Imami jurisprudence( [Volume 55, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 67-86]
  • Islamic criminal jurisprudence Tolerance in Proving Hudud (prescribed religious punishments) as a Foundation in Islamic Penal Law [Volume 53, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 139-117]
  • Islamic Criminal System Approaches to facing the moral challenges of Islamic criminal law [(Articles in Press)]
  • Islamic economy A Critical Review of "An Exploration into the Evidences on Devotionality of Zakāt and Khums [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010]
  • Islamic economy Examining and criticizing theories of exchange value with an emphasis on the distinction between current and potential value [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 75-95]
  • Islamic human sciences Methodology of Civilization-Making Ijtihad (A Tool to Extract Systems and Processes Needed on the Scale of a Civilization) [Volume 51, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 159-179]
  • Islamic Jurisprudence Lapse of Qiṣāṣ Punishment due to Taking Possession of the Right to Qiṣāṣ [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009]
  • Islamic Jurisprudence The maximum of dowry in Imamia jurisprudence [Volume 48, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 91-114]
  • Islamic Jurisprudence “Sharia Taazir Mentioned in Narrations”; Hadd (fixed punishment) or Taazir (discretionary punishment)? (Jurisprudential reinvestigation of note 2 of article 115 of the Islamic Penal Code) [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 47-27]
  • Islamic Jurisprudence The paradigms that govern the concept of right )Study of the approach of Islamic jurisprudence and jurists( [Volume 53, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 67-49]
  • Islamic Jurisprudence Tahari; research in its concept, legitimacy, application and provisions [Volume 54, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 11-29]
  • Islamic Jurisprudence Science Strategic Study of the Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 29-49]
  • Islamic Law A Critical Review of the Theories on the Definition of Real Estate in Islamic Law [Volume 43, Issue 1, 2011]
  • Islamic market An examination of selling forbidden meat to unbelievers [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 31-53]
  • Islamic Penal Law Legal-Judicial Study of the Verdict on Multiple Crimes resulting from a Single Strike [Volume 46, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 185-198]
  • Islamic penal law 92 The Status of Compensation for Virginity, Stipulated Dower, and Moral Damage in Compliant Adultery from the Perspective of Jurisprudence with an Approach to the Critique of Islamic Penal Law [Ratified in] 1392 [Volume 49, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 9-30]
  • Islamic thought Party and Partisanship in Islamic Thought [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009]
  • Istihab The validity of the positive principle according to hadiths [(Articles in Press)]
  • Istishab A New Reading of Prospective Istishab [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 26-9]
  • Istishab Reading the Viewpoint of Sayyed Ahmad Khansari about Istishab based on Jami al-Madarek Book [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 209-229]


  • Jam' al-'urfi Reappraisal of the Principles Influential in the Theory of Relation Change [Volume 50, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 59-73]
  • Jami al-Madarek Reading the Viewpoint of Sayyed Ahmad Khansari about Istishab based on Jami al-Madarek Book [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 209-229]
  • Javaher al-Kalam Analysis of Difference between the Narrated Texts of the Same Jurisprudential Hadith from the Perspective of Sahib Javaher [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 53-75]
  • Jihad A Reflection on the Right to be granted the Prisoner of War status in the Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 51, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 137-157]
  • Jihad Preventive Self-defense from the Perspective of Islamic International Law [Volume 52, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 35-56]
  • Jihad Etymology of War Perfidy from the Perspective of Islamic Humanitarian Law in Comparison to the Hague Convention and the Geneva Conventions [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 61-41]
  • Jihad Definition and domain of war tricks and its distinction with betrayal in armed conflicts from the perspective of Islamic humanitarian law in comparison with international treaties [Volume 53, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 72-51]
  • Jihad Da'wah Evaluation of the Jihad Da'wah (Jihad of Invitation) Theory by the Scales of the Holy Prophet's (PBUH&H) Act [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 147-168]
  • Jiʿālah An Analysis of the Jurisprudential Nature of Cryptocurrency Mining [Volume 56, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 143-165]
  • Judaism Mutability of Protective Covenant (dhamma) with the Birth of Modern Citizenship Rights [Volume 48, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 89-115]
  • Judgment Appointment of Women as Judges in Shaykh Ṭūsī's Jurisprudence – Tracing the Roots and Analysis [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010]
  • Judgment The Status of the “What is contrary to them involves rectitude” Element in Traditions Concerning Treatment of Contradictory Proofs and its Evaluation in Respect of Testimony and Judgment by non-Shiites [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 163-143]
  • Jurisprudence (Ijtihād) The Methodology of Detecting the Intention of the Lawmaker (Midhāq-i Shāriʿ) (A Case Study : Verdicts of Revoking from Husband to Wife) [Volume 55, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 237-263]
  • Jurisprudence of Islamic urban planning Re-evaluating the Status of the Jurisprudential Principle of Prioritization (ʾAhamm va Muhim) in Urban Plans and Projects [Volume 55, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 163-195]
  • Jurisprudential justice Analysis of justice practices in the process of inference based on several fatwas of Shaz Ayatollah Sanei [(Articles in Press)]
  • Jurisprudential justice A Critical Analysis of the Concept of Jurisprudential Justice as Second Nature (Malakih) [Volume 56, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 161-185]
  • Jurisprudential-usuli principle An Investigation on Asalat al-Ta’yīn: whatness, viewpoints, and documentation [(Articles in Press)]
  • Just Re-examination of the Prohibition of Sinfulness's Viewpoint in Imām Jamā'at with Emphasis on Traditions [(Articles in Press)]
  • Justice A Research on the Criterion for Investigation about the Justice of the Anonymous [Volume 40, Issue 3, 2008]
  • Justice A Reappraisal of the Justice of People of the Scripture [Volume 45, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 97-114]
  • Justice An Introduction to the Application of Justice Rule [Volume 46, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 143-158]
  • Justice Restudying the Retaliation of Mother for Murdering Her Child in the Light of the Objectives of Religion [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 47-63]
  • Justice A new look at the status of witness justice and the ways to achieve it in Iranian jurisprudence and law [(Articles in Press)]
  • Justice A Critical Analysis of the Concept of Jurisprudential Justice as Second Nature (Malakih) [Volume 56, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 161-185]


  • Kaaba Examination of the height examples of Tawaf of the House (circling Kaaba) in the verse "«وَلْیَطَّوَّفُوا بِالْبَیْتِ الْعَتِیقِ»" to determine the authority of custom [Volume 53, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 149-131]
  • Ka‘ba؛ Holy Mosque The Ruling for Circumambulation on the Upper Floors of Ka‘ba [Volume 49, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 49-68]
  • Ketab The Terminology of “the Book” and “Quran” from the Viewpoint of Scholars of Usul Science [Volume 52, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 9-34]
  • Key words: Azal of guardian The fall of guardianship over the marriage of the mature virgin just due to azl-unreasonable prevention of marriage - and its consequences [Volume 54, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 9-11]
  • Key words: The time of commitment Analysis of the Requirements of the Absoluteness of Contract Regarding the Performance Time from the Perspective of Imamia Jurisprudence, Iranian Law and Egyptian Law [Volume 51, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 159-179]
  • Keywords: unintended exchange Analysis of Liability (Ḍamān) Based on “Delictual Exchange” and its Impact on Lawsuits of Civil Responsibility [Volume 50, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 9-24]
  • Khul’ The evolution of Khul’ divorce theory in Shiite jurisprudence [Volume 48, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 151-173]
  • Khums item Critique and analysis of the famous opinion on determination of Khumsi year and the period of deducting expense from profit [Volume 51, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 75-92]
  • Khums year Critique and analysis of the famous opinion on determination of Khumsi year and the period of deducting expense from profit [Volume 51, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 75-92]
  • Kidnap The Approach of Islamic Jurists to the Topic of the Sale of Free Man in the Light of the Sakuni’s Narration [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 121-136]
  • Kindness Reflection on the concept of trustworthiness of the contract and its scope and the inclusion of evidence of non-guarantee of trust on non-emotional trust contracts [(Articles in Press)]
  • Knowing usurpation A jurisprudential and legal reflection on Article 326 of the Civil Code (Purchase of usurped goods with knowledge of usurpation) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Knowledge The quiddity of certitude (Qat) and its implications in the appearances area of Usul al-Fiqh [Volume 51, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9-29]
  • Knowledge Reinvestigating Certitude and its Authority in Quranic Verses and Narrations [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 127-107]


  • La Ba~s Fi"he' Analyzing the concept of negation of "Ba~s" in Imami jurisprudence [Volume 55, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 123-145]
  • Laboratory meat Analyzing the jurisprudential dimensions of the ruling on the production and consumption of laboratory meat [Volume 54, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 157-174]
  • Lack of authenticity of the taste of Sharia Analyzing the arguments of the opponents of the authority of the taste of the Sharia based on the analysis of the forms of reference to the taste of the Sharia [(Articles in Press)]
  • La Haraj Rule A Research to Resolve the Apparent Conflict between the La Haraj Rule and the Harsh Acts of Islam; Answers and analyzes [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 73-91]
  • Language Allusion of Words to Meaning from the Viewpoint of legal Theorists and Linguistics [Volume 45, Issue 4, 2013, Pages 125-149]
  • La zarar Takhrige (Extracting) of the narrations of the story of Samra bin Jundab in order to deduce the rule of harmlessness [Volume 55, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 9-29]
  • La Zarar Rule The Necessity of Changing the Nullum Crimen, Nulla Poena Sine Lege Pinciple Regarding Emerging Penal Crimes by a Reflection on the Principles and Rules of Jurisprudence [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 93-112]
  • Legal Addresses An Analytical Introduction to Imam Khomeini’s Legal Addresses Theory and its Implications in the Acts of Worship Jurisprudence [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 105-119]
  • Legal Management Jurisprudential foundations of conflict of interests management [Volume 55, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 147-167]
  • Legal Personality The Penalty for Blasphemy against the Infallibles and its Reconciliation with their Practical Conduct [Volume 51, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 129-144]
  • Legal Rules An Inquiry into the Issue of "Prohibition of Lahw" as a Jurisprudential Rule [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009]
  • Legal Systematization Restudying the Retaliation of Mother for Murdering Her Child in the Light of the Objectives of Religion [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 47-63]
  • Legitimacy Analyzing the legitimacy of the condition of not having children in marriage from the point of view of Imami jurists [Volume 54, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 53-75]
  • Leniency Re-examination of the Prohibition of Sinfulness's Viewpoint in Imām Jamā'at with Emphasis on Traditions [(Articles in Press)]
  • Leniency Regime Jurisprudential Foundations of “Leniency Regime for Political Offenders” [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 9-28]
  • Lessor of Persons (mustaʾjir) Examining the Effects of the Lessor of Persons’ (Mustaʾjir’s) Refusal of Accepting the Agent’s (Ajīr’s) Work from a Jurisprudential View [Volume 56, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 33-55]
  • Limit of theft Survey of generalizing the year of famine to the level of underdevelopment of the area where the thief resides in order to eliminate amputation of the thief's hand with emphasis on Imami jurisprudence. [(Articles in Press)]
  • Literal Principles Rhetorical Hermeneutics and the Role of Interpretative Issues of Usul al-Fiqh Science in the Iranian Law [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 121-142]
  • Loss A Legal-Judicial Deliberation on the Article 575 of the Civil Law [Volume 43, Issue 2, 2011]
  • Loss Legal Reappraisal of Legitimacy and Outcome of Contingent Deception [Volume 50, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 47-68]


  • Mahr Al Sunna The maximum of dowry in Imamia jurisprudence [Volume 48, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 91-114]
  • Mania Jurisprudence and legal status of transactions in mania [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 53-73]
  • Mann and Fedaa Critical Analysis of the Jurists’ Arguments for “Killing”, “Slavery”, Mann (release without exchange) and Fedaa (release with exchange) of the Prisoner of War [Volume 52, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 31-49]
  • Marriage defects The Impact of Epilepsy on the Termination of Marriage: A Comparison of Viewpoints Offered by Jurisconsults in the Five Schools of Islamic Thought (Madhāhib-i Khamsih) and the Civil Law in Light of Recent Scientific Findings [Volume 56, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 9-36]
  • Marriage of a Shiite Woman with a Sunni Analysis and Critique of the Prohibition of Marriage between a Shiite Girl and a Sunni Man from the Perspective of Javaheri Jurisprudence and New Scientific Findings [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 9-32]
  • Marriage with an Opponent Analysis and Critique of the Prohibition of Marriage between a Shiite Girl and a Sunni Man from the Perspective of Javaheri Jurisprudence and New Scientific Findings [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 9-32]
  • Mary The Ruling for Disrespect to the Holy Mary in Christian Law [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009]
  • Mathematical formula Description and Critique of Article 373 of the Islamic Penal Code 2013 in Mathematical Language [Volume 51, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 25-40]
  • Medical Data Jurisprudential challenges of the wife's responsibility towards the infant, based on medical data with emphasis on premature infants [Volume 53, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 146-125]
  • Method of Application Strategic Study of the Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 29-49]
  • Methodology An introduction to the philosophical foundations of the evolution of zakat jurisprudence from an individual approach to a governmental approach [(Articles in Press)]
  • Methodology The Methodology of Detecting the Intention of the Lawmaker (Midhāq-i Shāriʿ) (A Case Study : Verdicts of Revoking from Husband to Wife) [Volume 55, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 237-263]
  • Mhaghegh Ardabili Idjmā‘(Consensus) Caught up between Mohaghegh Ardabili’s Rejection and Approval [Volume 51, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 65-86]
  • Mohaghegh Ardabili The Influence of Feyz Kashani from Mohaghegh Ardabili [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mohaghegh Khansari A Reflection on the Existence of the Established Amount as Disruptive to Absoluteness while Being in the Position of Addressing (with Emphasis on Usuli Foundations of Mohaghegh Khansari) [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 39-25]
  • Mohaghegh Nāīnī A comparative study of the primary rule for doubt from the viewpoint of Mohaghegh Nāīnī and Shahīd Sadr [Volume 48, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 91-111]
  • Moharabah Evaluation of the criminal policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the criminalization of Moharebeh, Basic and implementation challenges [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mohmelin The authenticity of trust as a general validation for Mohmahin(narraters whose validity not confirmed nor rejected) [Volume 54, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 55-72]
  • Mohsen Reflection on the concept of trustworthiness of the contract and its scope and the inclusion of evidence of non-guarantee of trust on non-emotional trust contracts [(Articles in Press)]
  • Morality An Introduction to the Status of Morality in Marriage and Family Rights [Volume 43, Issue 2, 2011]
  • Moral Obscenity Rereading the Jurisprudential Precept of Sexual Enjoyment from a Minor Wife in the Light of Psychoanalytic Considerations [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 165-182]
  • Mosbet principle Semantic analysis of the mosbet principle( a practical principle that has a shari'ah effect through normal or rational things) [Volume 54, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 211-234]
  • Mosbets of estshab Semantic analysis of the mosbet principle( a practical principle that has a shari'ah effect through normal or rational things) [Volume 54, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 211-234]
  • Mosbets of evidence Analyzing the obstacle of conflict in the validity of the positive principle [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 211-231]
  • Mosbets of principles Analyzing the obstacle of conflict in the validity of the positive principle [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 211-231]
  • Mosbets of principls Semantic analysis of the mosbet principle( a practical principle that has a shari'ah effect through normal or rational things) [Volume 54, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 211-234]
  • Movally Alaiih The concept of Qebteh (expediency) and the mechanisms of its recognition in the affairs of Movalli Aliyyah [Volume 55, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 169-191]
  • Mudharaba contract Investigating the Possibility of Stipulation of the Trustee's Liability in the Mudarabah Contract and Banking Profit and Loss Sharing Contracts from a Legal and Jurisprudential Perspective (Imamia and Sunni) [Volume 52, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 73-97]
  • Muḥaqqiq Ardabīlī The Extent of the Validity of Isolated Tradition (Khabar) in Muḥaqqiq Ardabīlī’s School of Thought [Volume 45, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 147-169]
  • Muḥaqqiq Ardabīlī Evidence of Intellect and its Status in the Legal Attitude (Sīra) of Muḥaqqiq Ardabīlī [Volume 45, Issue 4, 2013, Pages 105-124]
  • Muḥaqqiq Khurāsānī The Patterns of Goal-oriented Epistemology [Volume 48, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 123-143]
  • Mujtahids The origins of the school of akhbarigari [Volume 54, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 175-194]
  • Muqaddimat al-Hikma (premises of wisdom) A Reflection on the Existence of the Established Amount as Disruptive to Absoluteness while Being in the Position of Addressing (with Emphasis on Usuli Foundations of Mohaghegh Khansari) [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 39-25]
  • Murtad Fitri Feasibility of the Occurrence of Apostasy due to Initial Declaration of Disbelief after Puberty in the Light of the Lawgiver’s Graceful Approach [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 97-119]
  • Muslim A Reappraisal of Shī‘a Jurists’ Referring to the Verses of the Holy Qur’an as Evidence for the Ruling on Marriage to People of the Scripture [Volume 49, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 129-150]
  • Muslim Evaluation of the Jihad Da'wah (Jihad of Invitation) Theory by the Scales of the Holy Prophet's (PBUH&H) Act [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 147-168]
  • Mustersel Sell Mastercell; Re-examining the nature, effects and relationship measurement with the Sale based on the opinion of one of the parties to the contract [(Articles in Press)]
  • Muwlavī ruling Clarifying the Reality of Guiding (Irshādī) Rule with a Focus on Understanding Reason and The Conduct of the Wise (Banā-yi ʿUqalā) [Volume 56, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 137-160]


  • Na'fi-e-bas Analyzing the concept of negation of "Ba~s" in Imami jurisprudence [Volume 55, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 123-145]
  • Narration of Actual Sunnah Understanding the Expression of “Qażīya fī Wāqiʿa” and Debunking Related Doubts [Volume 56, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 57-89]
  • Narrator A research on the documents and validity of Hadith Raf~ [Volume 55, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 103-121]
  • Narrator's question The Realm and Influence of the Narrator's Question Centered on the Al-ʿIbrah Rule [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 95-122]
  • Nation’s Expediency An Introduction to the Quiddity of the Attitude of the Intellectuals and its Relation to Intellectual Judgment [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010]
  • Nature of money The Jurisprudential Ruling on Zakāt for Money Based on the Approach of “Tajmīʿ-i Ẓunūn” (Aggregating Probabilities) [Volume 56, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 117-142]
  • Nature of Right The paradigms that govern the concept of right )Study of the approach of Islamic jurisprudence and jurists( [Volume 53, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 67-49]
  • Negation of Haraj A Research to Resolve the Apparent Conflict between the La Haraj Rule and the Harsh Acts of Islam; Answers and analyzes [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 73-91]
  • Negation of Harmful Judgment The effect of the condition "in Islam" in the tradition of "Lazarar and Lazerar"(no harm and no damage) in deducing jurisprudential issues [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 31-52]
  • Negligent Ignorance Analyzing the Bases of Conflict Concerning the Repelling Dubiety Criterion from the Viewpoint of Imami Jurists [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 86-63]
  • Normal Knowledge Restudying the Authority of Confidence [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 24-9]
  • Normative ethics Approaches to facing the moral challenges of Islamic criminal law [(Articles in Press)]
  • Norms Analysis of Inheritance Distribution in Quran Based on Audience’s Customary Practices [Volume 55, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 197-214]
  • Note 1 of Article 150 of Islamic Penal Code A Jurisprudential Deliberation on the Principle of not Suspending the Implementation of Ḥadd (legal punishment) upon Occurring Insanity (A Critical View on Note 1 of Article 150 of Islamic Penal Code of 1392/2013) [Volume 50, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 9-29]
  • Nulla Poena Sine Lege Pinciple The Necessity of Changing the Nullum Crimen, Nulla Poena Sine Lege Pinciple Regarding Emerging Penal Crimes by a Reflection on the Principles and Rules of Jurisprudence [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 93-112]
  • Nullum Crimen The Necessity of Changing the Nullum Crimen, Nulla Poena Sine Lege Pinciple Regarding Emerging Penal Crimes by a Reflection on the Principles and Rules of Jurisprudence [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 93-112]


  • Objectives of Religion Restudying the Retaliation of Mother for Murdering Her Child in the Light of the Objectives of Religion [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 47-63]
  • Occasion Examining the criterion of appropriateness of the sentence and the subject and distinguishing this analogy with other reasons for the development and narrowing of the sentence [(Articles in Press)]
  • Opposition of Traditions A Reflection on the Preference of Opposing the Sunnis in Light of Delimitation of the Scope of Sunnis [Volume 52, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 97-120]
  • Option Historical Analysis of the Rule of Non-Permissibility of Stipulation of Option in Unilateral Legal Acts with an Approach to Saheb Orwa’s Critical Opinions [Volume 52, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 99-122]
  • Optional Duress Optional Duress [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 29-46]
  • Option for insolvency A study and different view on the inseparable accretions of the sold object in the issue of the option for insolvency [(Articles in Press)]
  • Organization Organizational management in the implementation of Sharia from a jurisprudential perspective [Volume 53, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 103-73]
  • Ownership rights Re-evaluating the Status of the Jurisprudential Principle of Prioritization (ʾAhamm va Muhim) in Urban Plans and Projects [Volume 55, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 163-195]


  • Paradigms related to the interpretation of Right The paradigms that govern the concept of right )Study of the approach of Islamic jurisprudence and jurists( [Volume 53, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 67-49]
  • Parity The Status of Ethical Parity of the Married Couple in Formation of Family in Jurisprudence and Statutory Law [Volume 40, Issue 3, 2008]
  • Parity of Status between Parties to Marriage Analysis and Critique of the Prohibition of Marriage between a Shiite Girl and a Sunni Man from the Perspective of Javaheri Jurisprudence and New Scientific Findings [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 9-32]
  • Peace and Security Examining the Proofs of Permissibility or Prohibition of Production and Stockpiling of Weapons Mass Destruction [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 107-87]
  • Penetrating Injury to a Female Jurisprudential Analysis of the Blood Money of “Penetrating Injuries” [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 146-129]
  • Permissibility of the Oppressor Rule A Study on the Precept of Accepting the Oppressor's Rule with the Purpose of Enjoining the Right and Forbidding the Wrong [Volume 53, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 179-159]
  • Permission Rule Inadmissibility of applying the permission rule in criminal matters Case study of legal requirements of intoxicants for religious minorities [Volume 53, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 48-29]
  • Permission Supplies Inadmissibility of applying the permission rule in criminal matters Case study of legal requirements of intoxicants for religious minorities [Volume 53, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 48-29]
  • Personality Comparative Examination of the Financial Status in Islamic Jurisprudence and Ethics [Volume 49, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 9-29]
  • Pet Dogs Examining the Rights of Owners of Pet Dogs from the Perspective of Imamia Jurisprudence and Iranian Law with Emphasis on the Jurisprudence of Courts [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 105-87]
  • Political Crime Jurisprudential Foundations of “Leniency Regime for Political Offenders” [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 9-28]
  • Political Jurisprudence Party and Partisanship in Islamic Thought [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009]
  • Political Jurisprudence Jurisprudential Foundations of “Leniency Regime for Political Offenders” [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 9-28]
  • Position A Study on the Nature of Context from the Perspective of Islamic Jurisprudence and Usul al-Fiqh [Volume 51, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 111-134]
  • Positive principle Application of Probative Principle in the Usul al-Fiqh and Islamic Jurisprudence Sciences [Volume 51, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 93-114]
  • Possession Jurisprudence and Legal Study of the Ownership of Urban Solid Waste [(Articles in Press)]
  • Possibility of episteme Impossibility of Episteme from the Viewpoint of Mirza Qomi and Gadamer (comparative study) [Volume 53, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 158-141]
  • Postponement of Executing the Sentence The Foundations and Arguments for Attaching the Holy Shrines to Haram in terms of Blood Money Increase and Postponement of Executing the Sentence [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 123-109]
  • Potential Examining and criticizing theories of exchange value with an emphasis on the distinction between current and potential value [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 75-95]
  • Poverty Internal Legal Alms (Zakāt) from Jurisprudential Point of View [Volume 43, Issue 1, 2011]
  • Practical Principles A New Reading of Prospective Istishab [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 26-9]
  • Pragmatics Semantic and pragmatic analysis of Sheikh Ansari's three precepts in authority of khabar vahed [Volume 54, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 41-52]
  • Prayer The effect of Alzheimer's disease on the obligation, correctness and performance of prayer [(Articles in Press)]
  • Precept An Analytical Introduction to Imam Khomeini’s Legal Addresses Theory and its Implications in the Acts of Worship Jurisprudence [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 105-119]
  • Precept The Capability of Religious Precepts to be Created and Its Impact on Analyzing the Jurisprudential Propositions [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 183-207]
  • Precept Capable of being Created The Capability of Religious Precepts to be Created and Its Impact on Analyzing the Jurisprudential Propositions [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 183-207]
  • Preemptive self-defense Preventive Self-defense from the Perspective of Islamic International Law [Volume 52, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 35-56]
  • Premature Infant Jurisprudential challenges of the wife's responsibility towards the infant, based on medical data with emphasis on premature infants [Volume 53, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 146-125]
  • Prescriptive Command Identification the nature of Advisory and Prescriptive Commands Through Case Study [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 143-164]
  • Present Istishab A Reflection on the Authority of Prospective Istishab [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 131-146]
  • Present Istishab A New Reading of Prospective Istishab [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 26-9]
  • Prevalence A new look at the status of witness justice and the ways to achieve it in Iranian jurisprudence and law [(Articles in Press)]
  • Prevention of sinfulness Re-examination of the Prohibition of Sinfulness's Viewpoint in Imām Jamā'at with Emphasis on Traditions [(Articles in Press)]
  • Price Sell Mastercell; Re-examining the nature, effects and relationship measurement with the Sale based on the opinion of one of the parties to the contract [(Articles in Press)]
  • Primitive Jihad Evaluation of the Jihad Da'wah (Jihad of Invitation) Theory by the Scales of the Holy Prophet's (PBUH&H) Act [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 147-168]
  • Principle of Caution The Necessity of Changing the Nullum Crimen, Nulla Poena Sine Lege Pinciple Regarding Emerging Penal Crimes by a Reflection on the Principles and Rules of Jurisprudence [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 93-112]
  • Principles of Mosbet Semantic analysis of the mosbet principle( a practical principle that has a shari'ah effect through normal or rational things) [Volume 54, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 211-234]
  • Privacy An analysis and criticism of the arguments for the individuality of the hijab [Volume 47, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 183-204]
  • Private sector Feasibility of Criminalizing Rishāʾ (Bribery) and Irtishāʾ (Corruption) in the Private Sector, Based on the Principles of Imāmī Jurisprudence [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 71-93]
  • Probability The Scope of Omission of Specification (Tark-i ʾIstisfṣāl) in Jurisprudential Inferences [Volume 55, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 69-103]
  • Probative Principle A Reflection on the Authority of Prospective Istishab [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 131-146]
  • Processing Processing the discovery of the phase of Tanajoz (realization) of the Shari'i ruling [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 213-237]
  • Production and Stockpiling of Weapons Examining the Proofs of Permissibility or Prohibition of Production and Stockpiling of Weapons Mass Destruction [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 107-87]
  • Prohibited transactions An essay on the methodology of obligatory prohibition of forbidden trade from the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 89-108]
  • Prohibition of Harm The effect of the condition "in Islam" in the tradition of "Lazarar and Lazerar"(no harm and no damage) in deducing jurisprudential issues [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 31-52]
  • Proponents Critical Analysis of the Arguments of the Proponents and Opponents of the Authenticity of “Previous Religious Laws” [Volume 45, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 63-83]
  • Prospective Istishab A Reflection on the Authority of Prospective Istishab [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 131-146]
  • Prospective Istishab A New Reading of Prospective Istishab [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 26-9]
  • Purpose (Purposes) Strategic Study of the Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 29-49]


  • Qażīya fī Wāqiʿa Understanding the Expression of “Qażīya fī Wāqiʿa” and Debunking Related Doubts [Volume 56, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 57-89]
  • Qebteh The concept of Qebteh (expediency) and the mechanisms of its recognition in the affairs of Movalli Aliyyah [Volume 55, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 169-191]
  • Qoran Historical Attitude toward Legislation of Preliminary Jihad in Light of Analysis of Prophet Solomon’s (A.S.) Encounter with Queen Sheba [Volume 50, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 117-133]
  • Queen of Sheba Historical Attitude toward Legislation of Preliminary Jihad in Light of Analysis of Prophet Solomon’s (A.S.) Encounter with Queen Sheba [Volume 50, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 117-133]
  • Qur'an The Terminology of “the Book” and “Quran” from the Viewpoint of Scholars of Usul Science [Volume 52, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 9-34]
  • Quranic audience Analysis of Inheritance Distribution in Quran Based on Audience’s Customary Practices [Volume 55, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 197-214]
  • Qur'anic interpretation The principles of jurisprudence, Vazgeraee(concerning coining a new word) and its philosophical challenges [Volume 54, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 135-156]
  • Quranic rulings Analysis of Inheritance Distribution in Quran Based on Audience’s Customary Practices [Volume 55, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 197-214]
  • Quran names The Terminology of “the Book” and “Quran” from the Viewpoint of Scholars of Usul Science [Volume 52, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 9-34]


  • Ratiional and normal requirements of esteshab Semantic analysis of the mosbet principle( a practical principle that has a shari'ah effect through normal or rational things) [Volume 54, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 211-234]
  • Reciprocal condition The Stipulation of “return of the Endowment Object to the Donor’s Property in Case of Need” as a Resolutory Condition in the Endowment Contract A Jurisprudential and Legal Study [Volume 51, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 51-74]
  • Rectitude The Status of the “What is contrary to them involves rectitude” Element in Traditions Concerning Treatment of Contradictory Proofs and its Evaluation in Respect of Testimony and Judgment by non-Shiites [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 163-143]
  • Reference The Role of Referring Pronoun to some Common Individuals [Volume 45, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 115-132]
  • Reference Analyzing the Viewpoint concerning the Sameness of Horizons [Volume 45, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 85-104]
  • Relief Jurisprudential study of the condition of inability to dispose of the realization of compulsion based on the opinion of Sheikh Ansari [Volume 53, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 87-69]
  • Religion Jurisprudential Study of Theft of Alimony by Wife [Volume 51, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 29-48]
  • Religious Minorities Inadmissibility of applying the permission rule in criminal matters Case study of legal requirements of intoxicants for religious minorities [Volume 53, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 48-29]
  • Religious opposition A Rereading of the Jurisprudential Precept for Participation at the Dissidents’ Communal Prayers and Following Their Leadership with a Special Regard to Imam Khomein’s Viewpoint [Volume 48, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 137-158]
  • Religious Precept The Capability of Religious Precepts to be Created and Its Impact on Analyzing the Jurisprudential Propositions [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 183-207]
  • Repayment The Criterion for Fulfilling Rights in Debts in Case of Increasing the Purchase Power of Money on Due Date of Obligation [Volume 50, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 45-58]
  • Repellence Rule Analyzing the Bases of Conflict Concerning the Repelling Dubiety Criterion from the Viewpoint of Imami Jurists [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 86-63]
  • Repelling Dubiety Analyzing the Bases of Conflict Concerning the Repelling Dubiety Criterion from the Viewpoint of Imami Jurists [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 86-63]
  • Repetition of Crime A Deliberation on "Repetition of Crime" in Imāmī Jurisprudence and Iranian Law [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010]
  • Repetition of Crime Jurisprudential Challenges of Penalization the Repeated Crime in the Islamic Penal Code of 2014 [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 65-84]
  • Repetition of Hadd Jurisprudential Challenges of Penalization the Repeated Crime in the Islamic Penal Code of 2014 [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 65-84]
  • Requirement of Justice Re-examination of the Prohibition of Sinfulness's Viewpoint in Imām Jamā'at with Emphasis on Traditions [(Articles in Press)]
  • Researching the Permissions The Jurisprudential Verdict of Combination of Fatwas in the Four Sunni Schools [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 51-72]
  • Retaliation of Mother Restudying the Retaliation of Mother for Murdering Her Child in the Light of the Objectives of Religion [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 47-63]
  • Revolt Jurisprudential Foundations of “Leniency Regime for Political Offenders” [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 9-28]
  • Right of cancelation The nature and effects of inserting a useless clause in the contract [(Articles in Press)]
  • Robot Jurisprudential study of the civil liability of robots [Volume 53, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 190-171]
  • Rule of Law A study of the rule ‘Unforgivable in continuity (survival, sustainability) is not unforgivable in the beginning’ [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 131-149]
  • Ruse of War Etymology of War Perfidy from the Perspective of Islamic Humanitarian Law in Comparison to the Hague Convention and the Geneva Conventions [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 61-41]


  • Salafiyya The two Trends of Akhbāriyya and Salafiyya in [Volume 40, Issue 3, 2008]
  • Sale of Human Beings The Approach of Islamic Jurists to the Topic of the Sale of Free Man in the Light of the Sakuni’s Narration [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 121-136]
  • Samrah bin Jundab Takhrige (Extracting) of the narrations of the story of Samra bin Jundab in order to deduce the rule of harmlessness [Volume 55, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 9-29]
  • Saussure A Comparative Study of the Explanation of the Relation between Term and Meaning from the Perspective of Saussure and Mohammad Baqir Sadr [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 85-104]
  • Sayyed Ahmad Khansari Reading the Viewpoint of Sayyed Ahmad Khansari about Istishab based on Jami al-Madarek Book [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 209-229]
  • Sayyed Ahmad Madadi Mousavi The Effects of Discourse Difference on Usuli Inferences [Volume 53, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 115-99]
  • Sayyid Murtaḍā How Shaykh Ṭūsī Encountered the Discourse of Mufīd and Murtaḍā on the “Validity of an Isolated Tradition” [Volume 49, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 153-172]
  • Sayyid Murtaḍā Sovereignty of the Paradigm “Non-validity of Isolated Traditions” over the Discourse of 5-7 Century Shī‘a Jurists [Volume 50, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 135-159]
  • Scalia Interpreting the Qur'an and the Constitution: Similarities in Imami and American Jurisprudence [(Articles in Press)]
  • School of Hilla How Allameh Halli faced Khabar Vahed [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 167-190]
  • Science How knowledge is Realized in Religious Propositions [Volume 52, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 153-172]
  • Science The Translation Movement and its Effect on the Validation of Conjectures [Volume 52, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 9-30]
  • Science of osoul The Terminology of “the Book” and “Quran” from the Viewpoint of Scholars of Usul Science [Volume 52, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 9-34]
  • Self-esteem Self-esteem and its Jurisprudential Rulings [Volume 51, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 87-107]
  • Separable accretions A study and different view on the inseparable accretions of the sold object in the issue of the option for insolvency [(Articles in Press)]
  • Sexual Enjoyment from a Minor Wife Rereading the Jurisprudential Precept of Sexual Enjoyment from a Minor Wife in the Light of Psychoanalytic Considerations [Volume 54, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 165-182]
  • Sexual Enjoyment Right Jurisprudential Challenges Regarding the Limitation of Wife’s Sexual Enjoyment Right in Four Months [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 142-125]
  • Shafi Analyzing the Urgency of the Right of “shufʿa” in Shīʿa and Sunnī Jurisprudence [Volume 56, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 225-250]
  • Shahid Sadr A Comparative Study of the Explanation of the Relation between Term and Meaning from the Perspective of Saussure and Mohammad Baqir Sadr [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 85-104]
  • Shahīd Sadr A comparative study of the primary rule for doubt from the viewpoint of Mohaghegh Nāīnī and Shahīd Sadr [Volume 48, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 91-111]
  • Shahīd Ṣadr’s school Researching the Possibility and Authenticity of Systematization in Jurisprudence (With an Emphasis on Shahīd Ṣadr’s Outlook) [Volume 48, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 87-106]
  • Sharia Intensional-critical Analysis of the Place of Religion in Criminal Legislation and Proceedings from the Viewpoint of the Relation between Jurisprudence and Law [Volume 52, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 163-180]
  • Sharia Reinvestigating the Application of the Title of Sin to Sriminal Act in the Religious State [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 191-169]
  • Sharia ruling A reflection on the meaning and foundations of "forced peace" in Imami jurisprudence [(Articles in Press)]
  • Sharia Taazir mentioned in narrations “Sharia Taazir Mentioned in Narrations”; Hadd (fixed punishment) or Taazir (discretionary punishment)? (Jurisprudential reinvestigation of note 2 of article 115 of the Islamic Penal Code) [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 47-27]
  • Shaykh Mufīd Sovereignty of the Paradigm “Non-validity of Isolated Traditions” over the Discourse of 5-7 Century Shī‘a Jurists [Volume 50, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 135-159]
  • Shaykh Mufīf How Shaykh Ṭūsī Encountered the Discourse of Mufīd and Murtaḍā on the “Validity of an Isolated Tradition” [Volume 49, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 153-172]
  • Shaykh Murtaḍā Anṣārī Assessment of Shaykh Anṣārī’s Implications of the Single Words (Mufradāt) and Concepts of the Verse of Naba’ [Volume 50, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 31-45]
  • Shaykh Ṣadūq Permissibility of Extinction of the Right to Take Legal Action in Imāmī Jurisprudence (With an Emphasis on the Shaykh Ṣadūq’s Theory) [Volume 50, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 85-106]
  • Shaykh Ṭūsī Appointment of Women as Judges in Shaykh Ṭūsī's Jurisprudence – Tracing the Roots and Analysis [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010]
  • Shaykh Ṭūsī How Shaykh Ṭūsī Encountered the Discourse of Mufīd and Murtaḍā on the “Validity of an Isolated Tradition” [Volume 49, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 153-172]
  • Sheikh Ansari Jurisprudential study of the condition of inability to dispose of the realization of compulsion based on the opinion of Sheikh Ansari [Volume 53, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 87-69]
  • Sheikh Ansāri Analysis of Sheikh Ansāri’s techniques for the criticism of chain of transmission of hīdith [Volume 48, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 65-87]
  • Sheikh Fazlollah Nouri and Mirza Mohammad Hussein Naini A comparative study of legislation in the views of ‘Sheikh Fazlollah Nouri’ and ‘Mirza Mohammad Hussein Naini’ [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 55-72]
  • Shī‘a Shī‘ī Versified Jurisprudence in the Last two Centuries [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009]
  • Shī‘a An Approach to the Traditions on Taḥlīl and Negation of Liability to Khums Prior to Shī‘a Ownership [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009]
  • Shī‘a jurisprudence Dhimma and ‘Uhda in Shī‘a Jurisprudence [Volume 44, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 155-176]
  • Shiite and Sunni jurisprudences Semantics of “the Mentally-disordered Person” in the Jurisprudence of Shiite and Sunni and His Liability in the Penal Code [Volume 53, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 97-73]
  • Sinful Re-examination of the Prohibition of Sinfulness's Viewpoint in Imām Jamā'at with Emphasis on Traditions [(Articles in Press)]
  • Sira The Status of Sira (custom) among the Evidences of Opinions Concerning the Infant’s Contracts [Volume 51, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 9-28]
  • Sīra of scholars A Critical Reading of the View on the Non-Authoritativeness of Taqrīr (Approval) [Volume 56, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 199-223]
  • Slaughter Taqsir (cutting the hair and nails) and Performance of Hajj Rites by Female Pilgrims on the Night of Eid al-Adha (the Feast of Sacrifice) [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 85-71]
  • Socialization A new look at the status of witness justice and the ways to achieve it in Iranian jurisprudence and law [(Articles in Press)]
  • Social justice Elucidation and Study of the Expanse of Appearance and Indication of the Āya on the Permissibility of Polygamy [Volume 45, Issue 4, 2013, Pages 45-63]
  • Solomon Historical Attitude toward Legislation of Preliminary Jihad in Light of Analysis of Prophet Solomon’s (A.S.) Encounter with Queen Sheba [Volume 50, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 117-133]
  • Specialization of Ijtihad Differences in inferential criteria in worship and non-worship rulings [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 149-165]
  • Specification An Investigation on Asalat al-Ta’yīn: whatness, viewpoints, and documentation [(Articles in Press)]
  • Specified Tazirat A Reflection on Extending the Implications and Examples of Hudud in the Islamic Penal Code of 2013 [Volume 51, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 71-94]
  • Sport Activities The Sharia Precept of Dangerous Sports and the Liability Arising from their Accidents in light of Islamic Society’s Needs [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 167-147]
  • Spouse Rights Jurisprudential challenges of the wife's responsibility towards the infant, based on medical data with emphasis on premature infants [Volume 53, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 146-125]
  • Standard Judicial Decree A Reflection on Extending the Implications and Examples of Hudud in the Islamic Penal Code of 2013 [Volume 51, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 71-94]
  • Stewardship expulsion A Study on the Religious Percept of Removing Goods from the Place of Safe Custody while under Hypnosis [Volume 51, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 9-30]
  • Stoics The Translation Movement and its Effect on the Validation of Conjectures [Volume 52, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 9-30]
  • Strategy Strategic Study of the Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 52, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 29-49]
  • Subject Proportion of Ordinance and Subject: Functions and Mechanism of Recognition in the Jurists’ Expression [Volume 44, Issue 4, 2012, Pages 67-86]
  • Subject-matter of Usul al-Fiqh Studying the Conventional Nature of Usul al-Fiqh and Change of its Subject-Matter based on Allame Tabatabaei's Theory of Conventional Perceptions [Volume 53, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 9-24]
  • Substantiate a Claim The Imbecile’s Confession in Criminal Actions: a Criticism of Article 170 of the Islamic Penal Code [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 11-27]
  • Substitute Duress Optional Duress [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 29-46]
  • Suitable rules and obstacles Application of Probative Principle in the Usul al-Fiqh and Islamic Jurisprudence Sciences [Volume 51, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 93-114]
  • Sultan Execution of Legal Punishments in the Age of Occultation [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009]
  • Sunni A Study of the Legitimacy of choosing the sex of fetus in Imami and Sunni Jurisprudence [Volume 53, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 49-29]
  • Sunni Hadiths An Analysis of the Expansion of the Principle of Proofs of Tolerance (Tasāmuḥ) in the Recommended Rulings (Adilli-yi Sunan) in Sunni Hadiths [Volume 55, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 39-68]
  • Sunni jurisprudence A Critique and Analysis of the Arguments over the Closure and Opening of the Doors of Legal Reasoning (Ijtihād) [Volume 49, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 51-77]
  • Sunnī jurists Change of Fatwā and its Backgrounds in Sunnī Jurisprudence [Volume 46, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 53-80]
  • Sunni Usulites The reality of Sunni Usulites views regarding the issue of ratification (tasvīb) and its roots [Volume 47, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 9-30]
  • Superior Knowledgeability The criterion fatwa in legislation within the legal system of Islamic Republic of Iran (Another look at Superior Knowledgeability in the Shia state fiqh system) [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 59-87]
  • Supply of goods Pre-contractual Liability of the Person who Takes Possession of Another’s Property Offered for Sale, its Basis and Implications [Volume 51, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 31-49]
  • Support A New Approach in Determining the Boundaries of Intervention in the Marriage of a Virgin: Explain the scope of support and involvement [(Articles in Press)]
  • Surplus of Blood Money Article of 373 Description and Critique of Article 373 of the Islamic Penal Code 2013 in Mathematical Language [Volume 51, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 25-40]
  • Survival A study of the rule ‘Unforgivable in continuity (survival, sustainability) is not unforgivable in the beginning’ [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 131-149]
  • Sustainability A study of the rule ‘Unforgivable in continuity (survival, sustainability) is not unforgivable in the beginning’ [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 131-149]


  • Taazir The Taaziri Nature of the One-third in Excess of the Blood Money in the Blood Money Increase Law [Volume 52, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 123-140]
  • Taazir “Sharia Taazir Mentioned in Narrations”; Hadd (fixed punishment) or Taazir (discretionary punishment)? (Jurisprudential reinvestigation of note 2 of article 115 of the Islamic Penal Code) [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 47-27]
  • TAGHSIR Taqsir (cutting the hair and nails) and Performance of Hajj Rites by Female Pilgrims on the Night of Eid al-Adha (the Feast of Sacrifice) [Volume 53, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 85-71]
  • Takhrij Takhrige (Extracting) of the narrations of the story of Samra bin Jundab in order to deduce the rule of harmlessness [Volume 55, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 9-29]
  • Taklifee ruling of rent-seeking Jurisprudential investigation of the role of bribery in realizing the crime of rent-seeking from the perspective of Imami jurisprudence [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 97-116]
  • Taklifi ruling Analyzing the concept of negation of "Ba~s" in Imami jurisprudence [Volume 55, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 123-145]
  • Tanajjoz of Shari'i ruling Processing the discovery of the phase of Tanajoz (realization) of the Shari'i ruling [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 213-237]
  • Tanzil The nature and legitimacy of Tanzil in Imami jurisprudence and its examples in Islamic banking (Tanzil in Imami jurisprudence( [Volume 55, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 67-86]
  • Taqiyya An Examination of the Validity of the Proofs of the Famous Opinion of Imamia Jurists about Murder under Duress [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 137-156]
  • Tarākum-i Zunun The Jurisprudential Ruling on Zakāt for Money Based on the Approach of “Tajmīʿ-i Ẓunūn” (Aggregating Probabilities) [Volume 56, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 117-142]
  • Tark-i ʾIstifṣāl Regulation of the Rule of Tark-i ʾIstifṣāl and Clarification of its Applications in the Field of Principles of Jurisprudence [Volume 56, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 167-198]
  • Tark-i ʾIstisfṣāl The Scope of Omission of Specification (Tark-i ʾIstisfṣāl) in Jurisprudential Inferences [Volume 55, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 69-103]
  • Tasalom Investigating the relationship between the word "Tasalom" and similar concepts [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 137-158]
  • Tasbīb principle Jurisprudential Possibility of Using the Principle of Causation (Tasbīb) in Contractual Liability [Volume 55, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 105-130]
  • Taste Religious Law Taste [Volume 43, Issue 1, 2011]
  • Tawaf al-Raqib An analysis of the components of the rider's voluntary circumambulation [(Articles in Press)]
  • Tawaf of the House Examination of the height examples of Tawaf of the House (circling Kaaba) in the verse "«وَلْیَطَّوَّفُوا بِالْبَیْتِ الْعَتِیقِ»" to determine the authority of custom [Volume 53, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 149-131]
  • Ta'zir The Scope of Intercession in Different Types of Punishments [Volume 51, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 115-137]
  • Tazir Examining the nature and conditions of Zeghth punishment in Imami jurisprudence [(Articles in Press)]
  • Term A Comparative Study of the Explanation of the Relation between Term and Meaning from the Perspective of Saussure and Mohammad Baqir Sadr [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 85-104]
  • Terrorism Terror from the Jurisprudential Point of View [Volume 43, Issue 2, 2011]
  • Testimony The Status of the “What is contrary to them involves rectitude” Element in Traditions Concerning Treatment of Contradictory Proofs and its Evaluation in Respect of Testimony and Judgment by non-Shiites [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 163-143]
  • Testimony Exploring the Jurisprudential Ruling of Tolerance of Testimony in Case of Crimes Purely Against God’s Rights (Ḥaqq Allāh) [Volume 56, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 187-212]
  • Texture؛ the emergence of verbal An Approach to the Types of “Context” [Volume 52, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 77-96]
  • The amendment to Article Description and Critique of Article 373 of the Islamic Penal Code 2013 in Mathematical Language [Volume 51, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 25-40]
  • The Five Islamic schools of thought (Madhāhib) The Impact of Epilepsy on the Termination of Marriage: A Comparison of Viewpoints Offered by Jurisconsults in the Five Schools of Islamic Thought (Madhāhib-i Khamsih) and the Civil Law in Light of Recent Scientific Findings [Volume 56, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 9-36]
  • Theft of father from son Analyzing the Impact of Father-Son Relationship on Crimes Against Property and the Issuance of Discretionary Judgment (Ḥukm-i Taʿzīrī) [Volume 56, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 85-108]
  • Theft of Human Beings The Approach of Islamic Jurists to the Topic of the Sale of Free Man in the Light of the Sakuni’s Narration [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 121-136]
  • The Imbecile’s Confession The Imbecile’s Confession in Criminal Actions: a Criticism of Article 170 of the Islamic Penal Code [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 11-27]
  • The loss of Right Analyzing the Urgency of the Right of “shufʿa” in Shīʿa and Sunnī Jurisprudence [Volume 56, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 225-250]
  • Thematics of jurisprudential issues Analyzing the causes of jurists' differences in jurisprudence (case study: Help against the forbidden [(Articles in Press)]
  • Theology Party and Partisanship in Islamic Thought [Volume 41, Issue 1, 2009]
  • Theory Examining and criticizing theories of exchange value with an emphasis on the distinction between current and potential value [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 75-95]
  • Theory of ʾInibār The Criteria for the Acceptance of Ḥadīths in Vaḥīd Bihbahānī’s Viewpoint [Volume 55, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 131-161]
  • The philosophy of criminal jurisprudence Approaches to facing the moral challenges of Islamic criminal law [(Articles in Press)]
  • The Prioritization Principle Re-evaluating the Status of the Jurisprudential Principle of Prioritization (ʾAhamm va Muhim) in Urban Plans and Projects [Volume 55, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 163-195]
  • The right to suspend A Jurisprudential and Usuli Restudy of Proving Actual Breach in the Anticipatory Breach of Contract Doctrine [Volume 51, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 115-135]
  • The rule of non-guarantee of the trustee Reflection on the concept of trustworthiness of the contract and its scope and the inclusion of evidence of non-guarantee of trust on non-emotional trust contracts [(Articles in Press)]
  • The same object belonging to a creditor A study and different view on the inseparable accretions of the sold object in the issue of the option for insolvency [(Articles in Press)]
  • The share of Mashāʿ Analyzing the Urgency of the Right of “shufʿa” in Shīʿa and Sunnī Jurisprudence [Volume 56, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 225-250]
  • The spirit of the law Expanding and limiting the issue of criminal sentences against the defendant's interest in light of the spirit of the law [Volume 54, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 73-95]
  • The Taqrīr of Maʿṣūm (approval of infallible) A Critical Reading of the View on the Non-Authoritativeness of Taqrīr (Approval) [Volume 56, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 199-223]
  • The will of the lack of eternity Application of Probative Principle in the Usul al-Fiqh and Islamic Jurisprudence Sciences [Volume 51, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 93-114]
  • Tolerance Tolerance in Proving Hudud (prescribed religious punishments) as a Foundation in Islamic Penal Law [Volume 53, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 139-117]
  • Tolerance rule An Analysis of the Expansion of the Principle of Proofs of Tolerance (Tasāmuḥ) in the Recommended Rulings (Adilli-yi Sunan) in Sunni Hadiths [Volume 55, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 39-68]
  • Trade in Human Beings The Approach of Islamic Jurists to the Topic of the Sale of Free Man in the Light of the Sakuni’s Narration [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 121-136]
  • Tradition An Inquiry into the Issue of "Prohibition of Lahw" as a Jurisprudential Rule [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009]
  • Tradition An Inquiry into the Reasons for the Jurists' Difference of Opinion in their Approach to Traditions [Volume 41, Issue 2, 2009]
  • Tradition A research into ‘religionist conduct’, the conditions of its authority and the network of its conceptual relationships [Volume 47, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 55-78]
  • Transformation Applicability and restriction, difference or unity of opinions of reformed scholars [(Articles in Press)]
  • Translation Movement The Translation Movement and its Effect on the Validation of Conjectures [Volume 52, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 9-30]
  • Treason Definition and domain of war tricks and its distinction with betrayal in armed conflicts from the perspective of Islamic humanitarian law in comparison with international treaties [Volume 53, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 72-51]
  • Trick of War Definition and domain of war tricks and its distinction with betrayal in armed conflicts from the perspective of Islamic humanitarian law in comparison with international treaties [Volume 53, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 72-51]
  • Trust Reflection on the concept of trustworthiness of the contract and its scope and the inclusion of evidence of non-guarantee of trust on non-emotional trust contracts [(Articles in Press)]


  • Uncertain Deaths" Critique of the allocation of inheritance in uncertain deaths by drowning and destruction (based on linguistic relationships in evidence) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Uncertainty Legal Considerations Concerning Network Marketing [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010]
  • Urban Spaces Explaining the position of the jurisprudential rule of la-haraj ( the fall of unbearable hard task according to habit) in Islamic urban planning [Volume 54, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 157-189]
  • Urgency of Shufʿa Analyzing the Urgency of the Right of “shufʿa” in Shīʿa and Sunnī Jurisprudence [Volume 56, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 225-250]
  • Useless clause The nature and effects of inserting a useless clause in the contract [(Articles in Press)]
  • Usul al-Fiqh Studying the Conventional Nature of Usul al-Fiqh and Change of its Subject-Matter based on Allame Tabatabaei's Theory of Conventional Perceptions [Volume 53, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 9-24]
  • Usul al-Fiqh Impossibility of Episteme from the Viewpoint of Mirza Qomi and Gadamer (comparative study) [Volume 53, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 158-141]
  • Usuli discourses The Effects of Discourse Difference on Usuli Inferences [Volume 53, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 115-99]


  • Vaḥīd Bihbahānī The Criteria for the Acceptance of Ḥadīths in Vaḥīd Bihbahānī’s Viewpoint [Volume 55, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 131-161]
  • Validation The authenticity of trust as a general validation for Mohmahin(narraters whose validity not confirmed nor rejected) [Volume 54, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 55-72]
  • Value of Money The Criterion for Fulfilling Rights in Debts in Case of Increasing the Purchase Power of Money on Due Date of Obligation [Volume 50, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 45-58]
  • Vazee ruling Analyzing the concept of negation of "Ba~s" in Imami jurisprudence [Volume 55, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 123-145]
  • Verbal Communication Examining the jurisprudential ruling on starting a verbal relationship with a non-mahram [Volume 53, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 197-171]
  • Verification A research on the documents and validity of Hadith Raf~ [Volume 55, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 103-121]
  • Victim The Precept of Spread of the Forgiven Crime [Volume 54, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 157-176]
  • Vision Delving into some “Special Preconditions of Testimony about Adultery”(Stipulating Connection of Testimonies and Stipulating Vision in a Specific Way) [Volume 43, Issue 2, 2011]


  • Waiver of Penalty Analyzing the Bases of Conflict Concerning the Repelling Dubiety Criterion from the Viewpoint of Imami Jurists [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 86-63]
  • War A Reflection on the Right to be granted the Prisoner of War status in the Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 51, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 137-157]
  • War Delay in the criminalization of economic disruption based on the verse of Moharebeh "with a look at the Islamic Penal Code approved in 92 [(Articles in Press)]
  • War Perfidy Etymology of War Perfidy from the Perspective of Islamic Humanitarian Law in Comparison to the Hague Convention and the Geneva Conventions [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 61-41]
  • Weapons of Mass Destruction Examining the Proofs of Permissibility or Prohibition of Production and Stockpiling of Weapons Mass Destruction [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 107-87]
  • Wife Responsibility Jurisprudential challenges of the wife's responsibility towards the infant, based on medical data with emphasis on premature infants [Volume 53, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 146-125]
  • Wife’s Rights Jurisprudential Challenges Regarding the Limitation of Wife’s Sexual Enjoyment Right in Four Months [Volume 52, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 142-125]
  • Women Appointment of Women as Judges in Shaykh Ṭūsī's Jurisprudence – Tracing the Roots and Analysis [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010]
  • Worship Rulings Differences in inferential criteria in worship and non-worship rulings [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 149-165]


  • Xasse(Shi’ite) A Reflection on the Preference of Opposing the Sunnis in Light of Delimitation of the Scope of Sunnis [Volume 52, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 97-120]


  • Zakat Analysis and investigation of how the payment of zakat suffices in the assumption of compulsion by the Islamic ruler [Volume 54, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 117-135]
  • Zakat An introduction to the philosophical foundations of the evolution of zakat jurisprudence from an individual approach to a governmental approach [(Articles in Press)]
  • Zakāt money The Jurisprudential Ruling on Zakāt for Money Based on the Approach of “Tajmīʿ-i Ẓunūn” (Aggregating Probabilities) [Volume 56, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 117-142]
  • Zeghth Examining the nature and conditions of Zeghth punishment in Imami jurisprudence [(Articles in Press)]
  • Zoroastrianism Mutability of Protective Covenant (dhamma) with the Birth of Modern Citizenship Rights [Volume 48, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 89-115]